Growing Pains

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Stefan: "Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home."
Damon: "And mine."
Elena: "And mine."
Stefan: "For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us."
Jaylan: "There are vampires. Werewolves. Doppelgangers."
Bonnie: "Witches."
Klaus: "Even hybrids."
Caroline: "There are those who protect them."
Alaric: "The sheriff has a vampire for a daughter. And our lovely mayor, a son who is half-vampire, half-werewolf."
Jeremy: "And those who want them dead."
Elena: "They're our friends."
Stefan: "Our enemies."
Jaylan: "The ones we love."
Stefan: "And the ones we've lost."
Elena: "Matt, look out. And then there's me. I'm human. At least, I was."

Elena: "Stefan?" She asks gasping awake
Stefan: "Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours."
Elena: "What happened?"
Stefan: "You were in an accident."
Elena: "Oh, my God. Matt, is he?"
Damon : "Alive? Ask Stefan. The hero." He says pulling her attention over to where him and Jaylan are sitting at her windowsill
Stefan: "He's fine."
Elena: "Thank you" she says before thinking of something "I thought that I-How did you?"
Damon: "Save you? He didn't."
Stefan: "When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened your injuries were worse than anyone knew."
Jaylan: "Meredith Fell made a choice. She used Damon's blood to heal you." She says a little slowly
Damon: "When Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system."
Elena: "Oh, my God. Does that mean that I-Am I dead? No. No. No, that wasn't supposed to happen." She says freaking out
Stefan: "Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie, she said she's stronger than ever. There may be something she can do."
Damon: "No, the only thing that going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition."
Stefan: "We have all day before she has to feed Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out."
Damon: "There is no way out of it. We all know the drill. You feed or you die. There is no door number three."
Elena: "I was ready to die. I was supposed to die. I don't want to be I can't be a vampire. If there's something Bonnie can do, we have to try."
Stefan: "We will. We'll try everything."
Damon: "Your choice, Elena. As always." He says as him and Jaylan get up and go downstairs and Stefan follows after a minute

Damon: "Way to get her hopes up for something that's never happened in history in vampirism."
Stefan: "You weren't there when Elena told me she absolutely never wanted this."
Jaylan: "Not to take away from Elena, but where was this option of reversing being a vampire when I was in transition? I mean you didn't have Bonnie at the time but you had Sheila." She says making Stefan sigh out
Damon: "You shouldn't have let her die."
Stefan: "I never meant for that. She asked me to help Matt first and I did."
Damon: "And now the world has one more quarterback. Bravo, brother." He says sarcastically
Stefan: "I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life. Now let me try to fix it." He says walking away from the two
Jaylan: "I'm gonna go check up on Brielle. Try not to kill anyone in your rage of anger. "
Damon: "No promises." He says pulling her into a kiss as she walks out the house

Meredith: "Pastor Young, to what do we owe the honor? Don't tell me it's your blood pressure again." She says as she sees him and a group of people walk over to her
Pastor: "Honestly, I wish it were" he says turning to the men behind him "Blood bank's in the basement. One of you sweep the rooms."
Meredith: "What are you doing?"
Pastor: "Adding security measures. The blood here has a habit of flying off the shelves."
Meredith: "Who gave you that authority?"
Pastor: "The Council. They've entrusted me to secure the town. Unlike some of our founding families I don't have conflicting interests."
Meredith: "What's that mean?"
Pastor: "Alaric Saltzman told us everything. Probably time to start looking for a new job." He says leaving her in shock

Matt: "Elena doesn't wanna be a vampire."
Caroline: "She doesn't want to be dead. And now she's not. This isn't your fault, Matt."
Matt: "It's all my fault. I was driving. I was saved. She's a vampire because of me." He says loudly
Caroline: "Shh. Cool it on the V-word. I'm a fugitive. I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida." She whisper yells glancing at the door
Matt: "If the Council's after you, why are you here?"
Caroline: "Because I don't know where to go. Tyler's dead. Everything's different now." She says tearing up as Matt hugs her before she vamps away just as a man walks into the room
Matt: "Can I help you?"
Man: "Sorry. All good here." He says looking around the room before talking into the walker talkie

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