We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

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Stefan: "Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home."
Damon: "And mine."
Elena: "And mine."
Stefan: "For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us."
Jaylan: "There are vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers."
Bonnie:" Witches."
Klaus: "And even hybrids."
Elena: "And now I'm one of them, a vampire."
Stefan: "Since she's turned, everything about her is different."
Elena: "Something's changed between Damon and me. Stefan wants to fix me, Jaylan can't stand me anymore, and Caroline flat-out admitted that she doesn't like me this way.
Damon: "I'm nice because I'm your friend but that's all it is and that's all it's ever going to be. I love Jaylan, I am in love with Jaylan and I always will be. You can't stay here."
Stefan: "And now we know why. Elena's sired to Damon."

Damon: "Jaylan?" he asks waking up to see the covers for her side pulled back and her phone on the nightstand
Jaylan: "Hey." she says coming out of his bathroom
Damon: "Hey. When did you get here?" he asks groaning while stretching his arms and she lays next to him
Jaylan: "Late last night. Me, Caroline, and Stefan talked for a while."
Damon: "What time do you have to go to school?"
Jaylan: "About 20 minutes ago" she says making him chuckle "It's not anything new if I'm late. Where's Elena at? I thought she was staying here?"
Damon: "It was determined that her staying here wouldn't be a good idea."
Jaylan: "Why? Stefan's not staying here" she says before seeing the look on his face and she sits up "She tried something didn't she?"
Damon: "She almost tried something but I put a stop to it. Ok. It's all handled. Now can I please kiss you?" he asks as she rolls her eyes at him before leaning in and he ends up deepening the kiss


Caroline: "This is a disaster."
Stefan: "Look, we don't know anything for sure." he says folding up a blanket on the couch
Caroline: "Yes, we do. Elena is sired to Damon. Which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy. Like Klaus and his hybrids."
Stefan: "No, it's not. A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million. Maybe it won't affect her the same way."
Caroline: "We already know it's affecting her. Jaylan said she's become Damon's lapdog. It's true. Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do, she does. We need to do something." she says pulling her phone out
Stefan: "Wait, hold on. Caroline, this isn't gossip. You can't drop this on her before we know for sure."
Caroline: "I need to talk to Tyler. Maybe he'll know what to do."
Stefan: "Talk to Tyler, but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have influenced Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire."

Damon: "Bag?" he asks following Jaylan down the stairs as she picks it up
Jaylan: "I got it."
Damon: "Scarf."
Jaylan: "Wha? Oh. Mm" she says as he puts a scarf around her neck pulling her into a kiss making her chuckle a little at him before the door opens "Hey." she says when Stefan walks in smiling at the two

" she says when Stefan walks in smiling at the two

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Stefan: "Hey."
Damon: "Hey."
Stefan: "Hey. Listen, we need to talk." he says pulling Damon into the living room where they tell him about Elena being sired
Damon: "Sired? Really, Stefan? That is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth. And you've said some crap in your day."
Stefan: "It was your blood that turned her. She's been different since day one because of you. You can't deny that."
Damon: "I can. I finally got Elena to a good place about being a vampire. And you three can't stand that she's figured it out because of me. You know I helped Jaylan deal with being a functioning vampire."
Stefan: "Know what? Prove me wrong. Tell her it's okay to drink from a blood bag."
Damon: "She can't. Her weird doppelganger body rejected the blood from the bag."
Jaylan: "Right, because you told her to. You said she had to drink warm human blood straight from the vein. She almost died to make you happy. Look, ask her to drink from the blood bag. Tell her how happy you'll be if it works. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize. Please" she says pleading with him "If I hear Elena say Damon's right one more time I'm going to lose my mind."
Damon: "Alright fine I will. Let's go Jaylan." he says standing up as they head to the school

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