The House Guest

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Elena: "Hey

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Elena: "Hey." she says sighing leaning against the locker next to Jaylan
Jaylan: "Hey. You okay?" she asks putting a book in her bag
Elena: "No I'm not. Katherine is back."
Jaylan: "What?" she asks with her eyes widening "I thought Elijah compelled her to the tomb."
Elena: "He did. But apparently when you kill an original all the compulsion wears off." she says sighing and Jaylan groans shutting her locker
Jaylan: "I swear everything supernatural just needs to come with an instruction manual. Things would be so much easier" she says as they start walking down the hall "You gonna be alright with her around?"
Elena: "Guess it's just part of my life now. The only thing I hate is that she's staying at the boarding house" she says as Jaylan nods her head "How are you so calm about all this? Especially knowing the history of her and Damon."
Jaylan: "I trust him" she said shrugging her shoulders "I mean yeah it does make me a little nervous but I look at it as a test. And if Damon fails then it simply shows that he wasn't the man I thought he was." she says as Alaric pulls the two into his classroom to talk
Alaric: "It was bad. You know, John planted all these seeds about Isobel-and now Jenna knows I'm lying."
Elena: "John's gonna end up dead on the floor."
Jaylan: "I might just be the one to do it." she mutters
Alaric: "Yeah, well, easier said than done. I gave him back his ring. So." he says showing them his hand making Jaylan look at him with wide eyes
Jaylan: "Why would you do that?"
Alaric: "He kept pestering me about it. I had no choice."
Jaylan: "Uh you could've shot him with one of your fancy stakes so he knows not to mess with you." she says as he shakes his head smiling a little before getting back on topic
Alaric: "Look, Jenna keeps asking about Isobel. You know, was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body? I mean, how much longer can she stay in the dark?"
Elena: "You think we should tell her the truth?"
Alaric: "I'm saying  I can't be with her and not tell her. It's not fair and not a relationship I want."
Jaylan: "Not to mention it's becoming more dangerous for her not to know." she says looking over at Elena
Elena: "I thought that we'd hold off until after we've dealt with Klaus. You know, and even then how do we tell someone what we know? How does someone hear that"
Alaric: "Look, I'm sorry to put this on you. You know, but I feel it's your decision to make. And whatever you decide to do, I'll respect it. I want to be honest with her. But until then Jenna and I are done."


Katherine: "What you up to?" she asks walking into the room seeing Damon going through a box with books in them 
Damon: "None of your business."
Katherine: "We're pouting now? Are those the Gilbert journals?"
Damon: "Eighteen sixty-four." he says ignoring her
Katherine: "How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me?"
Damon: "Can you tell me where witches were massacred in this town a couple centuries ago?"
Katherine: "No."
Damon: "Then you can't help." he says as she goes to touch one of the books and he smacks her hand making her hit him and they continue for a second before he pins her on the piano bench strangling her
Katherine: "If it's any consolation I'm glad that you're not dead. Emily Bennett told me about the massacre. It was a big deal in witch folklore. When a witch dies violently, they release a mystical energy making the place of their death with power." she says as he lets her go and goes back to the books
Damon: "Elijah wanted to know the site of the massacre."
Katherine: "What was he gonna do when he found it?"
Damon: "I don't know. What did papa and baby witch have to say?" he asks as Jaylan, Brielle, and Stefan come into the room
Jaylan: "Isn't she supposed to be gone or dead in a ditch somewhere by now?" she asks pointing to Katherine
Katherine: "For the last time, I'm here to help. Can we skip the secrets, hmm?"
Stefan: "Elijah had no weapon to kill Klaus. But he believed that if a witch could channel enough power they wouldn't need one."
Damon: "Like the power you get from a spot marked with a hundred dead witches?"
Stefan: "We just need to find it." he says as Stefan walks out the room and Katherine goes into another one
Jaylan: "Hey." she says walking over to Damon
Damon: "Hello" he kisses quick before looking down at Brielle "Hey squirt." he says messing up her hair a little making her laugh at him "What are you guys up to today?"

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