Lost Girls

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Jenna: "Where are you guys going?" She asks as Jaylan and Brielle come down the stairs Brielle: "Hanging out with daddy today

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Jenna: "Where are you guys going?" She asks as Jaylan and Brielle come down the stairs
Brielle: "Hanging out with daddy today." She says excitedly
Jaylan: "Well be at the grill if you need us." She says grabbing her purse before they head out
Jenna: "Have fun." She calls out as Brielle waves at her

At the grill
Tyler: "What's the deal with them?" He asks making Jaylan look up at him to see him looking at Elena and Stefan a couple of tables down from them "Are they together or not?"
Jaylan: "I don't know," she says shrugging her shoulders turning back to face him and Brielle "They're confusing."
Tyler: "There's something off about that guy." He says still looking at them
Jaylan: "Well some would say there's something off about you." She says mockingly taking a sip from her drink
Tyler: "Oh haha" he mocks back "So what are you guys doing after this?" He asks looking down at Brielle helping her write letters
Jaylan: "Not much. Gotta clean up but other than that." She says shrugging her shoulders
Brielle: "Ta-da!" She says showing them the paper with her name on it
Tyler: "Nice job Ellie. You are so smart." He says tickling her making her laugh as Jaylan smiles at them

At home
Jaylan: "Coming," She says going down the stairs as the doorbell rings "I'm coming!" She yells as it rings more urgently "Hey Vicki." She says sighing opening the door for her
Vicki: "The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire."
Jeremy: "Where have you been?" He asks coming down the stairs
Vicki: "It's good. Everything's good." She says kissing him
Jeremy: "Well, did something happen?"
Vicki: "I'm hungry. What do you got to eat?" She says going to the fridge
Jaylan: "Are you high?" She asks shocked
Jeremy: "Vicki It's the middle of the day."
Vicki: "Could you just not talk so loud? My head hurts. I need quiet."

Elena: "The mind control you said Katherine used. Do you ever do that to me?"
Stefan: "No. That necklace it contains an herb called vervain. It protects you from being compelled. I wanted to protect you and Jaylan from Damon's influence."
Elena: "Jaylan? Why Jaylan?"
Stefan: "He's taken a liking to her. Sees her more like a challenge. But I also wanted to protect you from me. Elena, you should never take that necklace off. No matter what happens after today and no matter how you feel about me you'll know that you were free to make your own choice."

Matt: "Where is she?" He asks as Jeremy opens the door for him
Jeremy: "Come this way." He says leading her over to where Jaylan is standing watching Vicki eat food from the fridge on the floor with sunglasses on
Matt: "What's she on?"
Jaylan: "I don't know."
Matt: "Hey, Vick, how you doing?"
Vicki: "Not good, Matty. I hurt." She says whining
Matt: "Okay, where does it hurt?"
Vicki: "My gums. My jaw hurts. My gum There's something in my gums. It hurts."
Matt: "You're okay."
Vicki: "No, just leave me alone."
Matt: "Don't be like that. Let's get you home."
Vicki: "Just turn it off."
Jeremy: "Turn what off?"
Vicki: "The talking, the chatter. Just turn it off." She says getting up and going over to where the tv plays
Tv: "Three bodies were found dead in a drug deal gone awry. The bodies have yet to be identified. They were discovered at the old Mystic Falls cemetery-"
Jeremy: "That's where we were last night."
Matt: "What happened, Vick?"
Tv: "and are looking for suspects. They're asking anyone with information-"
Jaylan: "I'll call the cops." She says grabbing her phone
Vicki: "No, don't."
Jeremy: "What happened after I left last night?"
Vicki: "Don't." She says as she sees Jaylan's phone still in her hand so she pushes her backdropping it in the process as she hits her head on the back of the couch
Matt: "Jay, you okay?" He asks as Jeremy helps her up
Jaylan: "I'm fine, I'm fine." She winces holding her head a little
Matt: "Damn, Vick."
Elena: "What's going on?"
Matt: "She's really messed up."
Stefan: "Elena, back up. Vicki, look at me. Focus. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be okay. Come on. Come on."
Matt: "Let's get you something for your head." He says to Jaylan leading her to the kitchen to get an icepack for her head as Stefan and Elena whisper to one another. After Matt puts the icepack to her head he goes upstairs to check on Vicki while Jaylan stays down there with them to help start cleaning up
Elena: "Are you okay?" She asks looking at the back of her head
Jaylan: "I'll be fine. Despite the headache that's gonna come on."
Elena: "Hey so where's Brielle at?" She asks looking around
Jaylan: "At Tyler's." She says as Elena breathes in relief
Elena: "Oh that's good," she says making Jaylan look at her confused "Just wouldn't want her to be around Vicki when she's like that you know."
Jaylan: "Yeah guess your right." She says as Matt comes back down
Matt: "Vick. Vicki." He says as she runs downstairs then out the house
Jeremy: "She was fine and then she just freaked out." He says as they're all standing outside with no Vicki in sight
Matt: "I'm gonna go look for her. Call me if you hear anything." He says as he gets into his truck and Stefan leaves not too long after that

Jeremy: "Maybe we should check in with Matt."
Elena: "He'll call when he finds her."
Jeremy: "What are we supposed to do?"
Jaylan: "We wait. We're supposed to wait." She says sighing handing him a plate to put in the sink "Do you know where the Motrin is?"
Elena: "Upstairs." She says as Jaylan goes to get it
Jeremy: "I don't know what's wrong with her."
Elena: "She'll be fine. It'll all be fine." She says as the doorbell rings and the two of them go check who it is "Jeremy, go upstairs."
Damon: "Tell my brother I'm looking for him. Oh, tip for later. Be careful who you invite in the house." he says as Jaylan comes back downstairs "Oh hey there Jaylan. Where's little Brielle at?"
Jaylan: "None of your business." She says rolling her eyes
Damon: "Ooh why so harsh?"
Jaylan: "You hurts my best friend. Or did you forget that?" She asks walking back into the kitchen

Jaylan: "You okay?" She asks coming from the living room to see Elena leaning against the door. Elena shakes her head before she starts crying falling to the ground and Jaylan goes over to hug her "What? What's wrong?" She asks as Elena just cries more into her shoulder

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