Into The Wild

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Elena: "My name is Elena Gilbert. I'm a new vampire. There have been complications. I know I'm sired to you."
Damon: "I'm letting you go."
Jaylan: "Elena might still be sired to him."
Elena: "But there's hope now. Jeremy's tattoo leads to a cure. If you kill Klaus' brother Kol, his entire sire line will die with him."
Klaus: "I was gonna make him suffer on my terms!"
Stefan: "Unlikely alliances have formed."
Damon: "Finding the cure could come at a price."
Shane: "He's the world's first immortal, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure. I wanna free him."
Jaylan: "But we finally have everything we need."
Damon: "Here we go."

Shane: "Congratulations

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Shane: "Congratulations. We made it." he says as they get off their boats and grab their equipment
Damon: "Couldn't they have hidden this cure in Hawaii?" he asks sharpening a machete 
Jaylan: "Where the hell did you take us?"
Shane: "Two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the most obscure, desolate island."
Damon: "Oh, yeah? I thought the whole point was so that no one found Silas the oldest, deadliest freak in the world."
Shane: "Yeah, that too. Hmm. Sunscreen?" he asks holding out the bottle to the two vampires 
Damon: "Is that a joke?"
Shane: "Right." he says as they walk away from each other

Stefan: "Not really helping." he says watching Rebekah glare at Elena as she walks by
Rebekah: "You're perfectly capable of tying a knot." she says not letting her eyes leave Elena
Stefan: "Giving Elena the evil eye is not helping."
Rebekah: "She killed my brother, tried to get you to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye."
Elena: "You know I can hear you, right?"
Rebekah: "You know I don't care, right?" she asks as Elena speeds over to her to try to stake her but Rebekah throws her on the ground "Go ahead, try and kill me. Then you'd have to face your real problems like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself. I guess he likes me again." she says walking away and Stefan tries to help her up but she ignores him and walks away

Damon: "Looks like someone forgot her team-building exercises." he says as the two go over to her
Elena: "I'm not apologizing for not wanting her here. Besides it won't be long. I'll only have to tolerate her for a few more days. We'll find the cure and never have to deal with her again."
Damon: "Human Rebekah. Can't imagine her without fangs." he says as Elena walks away leaving the couple by themselves
Jaylan: "You know, you've never talked about what you'll do with the cure once we find it. Will you take it?" she asks making him think for a second before looking at her 
Damon: "I don't like to speculate."

Bonnie: "Sorry. If there was a less awkward way to do this, I would." she says taking pictures of Jeremy's tattoo
Jeremy: "Doesn't bother me."
Bonnie: "These symbols must have been left for the hunters so they could find the cure. This must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. According to Shane Silas asked Qetsiyah for help making a spell for immortality. She made him immortal, only to learn he planned to use the spell on another woman. Not her. When she found out, she freaked."
Jeremy: "So Qetsiyah killed the other woman?"
Bonnie: "Yeah. Silas was immortal. She couldn't kill him. So she trapped him in a cave and buried him alive instead."
Jeremy: "Does it say anything about the hunter's purpose in all this?"
Shane: "I was wondering when you'd ask" he says coming over to them "Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality and she buried it with Silas, hoping he'd take it and die and end up on the other side with her for eternity. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So centuries later, her descendants created the hunters to find, cure and kill him. You know what? I'll explain on the hike. Come on, we gotta get going." he says as they all group together to start their hike

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