The Rager

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Stefan: "Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home."
Damon: "And mine."
Elena: "And mine."
Stefan: "For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us."
Jaylan: "There are vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers."
Bonnie: "Witches."
Klaus: "And even hybrids."
Stefan: "And then there's Elena. She's one of us now. She's strong. If we help she could survive."
Damon: "She can't even keep my blood down."
Jeremy: "Our town has always been different."
Elena: "Stefan, I'm losing it."
Matt: "Feed from me."
Jeremy: "Now there are strange things happening that no one can explain. Nice ink."
Matt: "What ink?"
Jeremy: "You didn't see his tattoo?"
Elena: "And there's a new hunter in town who wants people like me dead."


Damon: "Good day for a midlife crisis. A hundred and sixty-four years. I'd say you're due." he says walking out of the house to see Stefan working on his motorcycle
Stefan: "Elena's transition to vampire has been depressing. I want to help her have some fun."
Damon: "Oh. Those who can't do, teach."
Stefan: "I see we're still fighting. Got it. Where are you going?"
Damon: "That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom, so basically he's got vampire poison in a bottle. And I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him."
Stefan: "I'll go with you."
Damon: "Don't want your help. I just want to kill this guy and be done with everything. Besides I take you punching me as the first clue I'm not wanted anymore."
Stefan: "You blood-shared with my girlfriend and I punched you in the face. You deserved it. Stop being dramatic."
Damon: "No, brother, dramatic would be leaving this hunter alive." he says walking away

Stefan: "This is the first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom

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Stefan: "This is the first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom." he says as him, Elena, and Jaylan arrive to history class and he sees Elena and Jaylan looking at the board in sadness
Elena: "First period, I'm ready to bawl my eyes out."
Rebekah: "Morning everyone." she says walking in cheerfully
Woman: "Hey, Bekah."
Elena: "Ugh. Just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental."
Rebekah: "I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts in the fifth period, goes till whenever. Spread the word. You're welcome to join Elena, to bury the hatchet." she says passing out flyers to everyone
Elena: "It's a pretty enormous hatchet."
Rebekah: "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit."
Elena: "New house? Your brother kick you out?"
Rebekah: "He didn't kick me out. I left."
Elena: "So you left the only person on Earth that actually likes you?"
Rebekah: "Well, your boyfriend liked me once. Actually, a lot more than once. Jaylan even liked me for a time."
Jaylan: "Why are you still in town, Rebekah?" she asks sighing out
Stefan: "Yeah don't you have anywhere else to go?"
Rebekah: "Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman? Oh, that's right. I killed him." she says looking around before smirking at the three and Elena in a rage throws a pencil at her only for her to catch it and throw it in her shoulder watching as Elena and Stefan rush out the room

Caroline: "It was a valiant first-day effort. No one will judge if you go home." she says as they sit outside listening to Elena talk about what happened in the bathroom with Rebekah
Elena: "I don't want to go. I wanna take the white oak stake and kill her. That's how mad I am. She made me murderous."
Stefan: "How about we leave the murdering to Damon?"
Elena: "And do what, ignore her to death?"
Stefan: "She's trying to make herself feel better. She knows everybody hates her, so she's trying to hate harder. Tell you what. Let's just skip the rest of the day. Go have some fun. I feel like this day is severely lacking in fun."
Elena: "Yeah. Okay, fine" she says nodding her head after seeing Jaylan and Caroline nod their heads at her "We'll go to her party and show her that she can't intimidate me. I just have to go home and change first."
Jaylan: "Does she seem a little off-balance to you?" she asks as they watch Elena walk away
Stefan: "Yeah. She's channeling all her emotions into rage. It makes her feel like she has purpose. I used to do that too, when I was...You know."
Caroline: "Ripper-you?"
Stefan: "Yeah. She needs to come to terms with it, confront it, let it in, before she can let it go."
Jaylan: "You're good at this, you know? You saved my vampire life, saved Caroline's life, now you're saving hers."
Caroline: "You should write a book, go on The View."
Stefan: "Hmm." he says as they all chuckle before Jaylan's phone buzzes with a text
Jaylan: "I gotta go. See you guys later." she says walking towards her car

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