Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Elena is laying in her bed thinking about all that has happened before her alarm clock goes off making her turn it off before sighing and getting out of bed to get dressed

Elena: "Good morning." She says to Alaric when they both come out of their rooms
Alaric: "I hated this when I did it with Jaylan." He grumbles out while rubbing his eyes as Elena chuckles at him a little following him to the woods where they practice
Alaric: "So the pressure of your punch ejects the stakes." He says punching a dummy as a stake comes out
Elena: "Easy enough. Ugh! That's weird. Ugh! Unh. Must be jammed or something." She says when she hits the dummy multiple times and nothing happening
Alaric: "You're not strong enough. Better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones."
Elena: "Thanks for not sugar-coating it."
Alaric: "You know what this is?" He asks her holding up something
Elena: "A vervain grenade. I've used one before."
Alaric: "Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire. Surprise." He says taking the pin out and throwing it to Elena who freaks out a little before throwing it in the air
Elena: "Oh my God! Ugh! This isn't a joke to me, Ric."
Alaric: "You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want. They will hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature."
Elena: "You don't have to use pronouns. You can say Stefan."
Alaric: "Look, I get why you're here. Stefan hurt you. You don't want it to happen again."
Elena: "But you think that I'm crazy. To believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who's flipped the switch on his humanity."
Alaric: "I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning. And that makes you the strongest person I know. I think that you can do pretty much anything." He says smiling at her

" He says smiling at her

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Damon wakes up in his bed groaning and flipping over

Damon: "Mm. Good morni-" He says stopping himself when he feels nothing beside him and looks up to see Jaylan nowhere in his room. He uses his hearing to hear the front door open and squealing
Brielle: "Mommy!" She yells as she runs into the house into Jaylan's arms
Jaylan: "Hi baby." She smiles at her clutching her to her making Damon smile in his spot before getting up and going downstairs to see the two still hugging and Mrs. Dawson standing by the door
Brielle: "I like your hair." She says touching Jaylan's bangs that she has
Damon: "Well isn't this a sight." He says getting their attention
Brielle: "Hi Damon." She says hugging his side when he walks over to them
Damon: "Hey squirt. Hi Mrs. Dawson."
Mrs. Dawson: "Hi" She smiles at him before looking at Jaylan "If I would have known you were back in town I would have brought her by yesterday."
Jaylan: "I got it really late. Didn't wanna wake you guys. Figured I could wait til now." She says grabbing Brielle again picking her up
Mrs. Dawson: "Well looks like you won't be needing me watching her tonight" she says to Damon as he nods his head before she looks over at the two women "I gotta get going. Bunch of errands to run. Call me if you need anything."
Jaylan: "Will do" She says as Caroline comes through the door greeting Mrs.Dawson as she leaves before turning to the other three in the room "What are you doing here?"
Caroline: "Are you kidding me? It's senior year. Our last first day ever. We said we'd do this together."
Jaylan: "I really don't even know what it's like to be in school anymore." She mutters to surprisingly to herself
Caroline: "Well no better time than now to get reacquainted with it. So come on let's go." She says grabbing her bag and holding it out for Jaylan
Jaylan: "Okay, alright" She says before looking at Brielle in her arms "What do you say to an old fashion mommy daughter movie night tonight?"
Brielle: "Yeah." She says excitedly making Jaylan smile
Damon: "Here I got her. Go, learn about whatever it is they teach you in high school. Me and the little one will be here." He says taking Brielle from Jaylan and kissing her on the lips as her and Caroline head out and meet up with Bonnie and Elena at school
Caroline: "Here we are. Senior year." She says as they stand in the parking lot of the school
Bonnie: "Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?"
Caroline: "Ok. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on."
Bonnie: "You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience?"
Jaylan: "Or that a psycho hybrid has taken a weird interest in me." She says making Bonnie smile at her
Caroline: "Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day."
Elena: "Today's our anniversary" she says stopping them from walking any further "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year."
Caroline: "Yeah. You win."
Jaylan: "I mean not really but sure." She says so only Caroline can hear making her bump her elbow into her side
Bonnie: "Are you sure you want to be here?"
Elena: "I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life." She says walking in front of them making the other three follow

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