The Departed

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Jenna: "Hey." she says as Elena comes down the stairs tripping over a toy
Elena: "Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?"
Jenna: "He's 14. They don't think. Hey. You'll get me in trouble with your-"
Miranda: "Morning." she says coming into the kitchen hugging Elena
Elena: "Morning, mom."


Meredith: "She's going to be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head. But it was just a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about." she says as they stand outside Elena's room
Jeremy: "But she collapsed, there was blood."
Meredith: "Honestly, Jeremy, she's ok. She's just...She's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call?" she asks as he calls Stefan and Damon and tells them

Damon: "Did what?!"
Jeremy: "I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious You call 9-1-1."
Damon: "Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal."
Stefan: "Every remaining original is going to want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there."
Jeremy: "Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observation."
Damon: "Jeremy, get Elena home. We're on our way" he says hanging up before looking over at Stefan "Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on earth?"
Stefan: "You know one of us needs to keep moving, right? If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, kills him and we all end up dead."
Damon: "Our life is one big proverbial coin toss."


Alaric: "Hello, Meredith." he says as she walks into her office
Meredith: "What are you doing here?"
Alaric: "I'm Elena's guardian. I thought it was strange I didn't get a phone call."
Meredith: "How did you find out?"
Alaric: "Oh, I have eyes and ears everywhere now. It's funny. The people of this town are actually good at their jobs when you allow them to be. Speaking of...You are a little too good at your job. But that's because you cheat. So I found your stash of vampire blood." he says pulling the blood out her fridge pouring it out on her desk
Merdith: "Don't stop it. Don't don't do that. Stop it!"
Alaric: "The council will be in touch with the medical board to have your license suspended. Mayor Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes are being relieved of their duties.
I'm getting this town back under control. And you will be releasing Elena to my custody." he says signing the paper before going to Elena's room to see it empty

" he says signing the paper before going to Elena's room to see it empty

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Caroline: "Couch."
Elena: "I'm fine. I just I want something to eat first."
Tyler: "We're on it. As soon as we make sure no one's lurking in the closets." he says as him and Matt go upstairs
Caroline: "All right, couch. Now."
Elena: "Ugh, I told you, I'm fine."
Caroline: "Doctor says rest, you rest. Ahh. Now what can I get you?"
Jaylan: "Do you want some tea? Maybe some vodka?" she says the last part slowly as Elena chuckles a little
Caroline: "Both will help you sleep. I know. I'm being smothering. It's what I do."
Elena: "No. It's-It's nice." she says smiling at both girls
Jaylan: "You caught me on a good day" she says before moving to the kitchen "Tea with vodka coming up."

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