Daddy Issues

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Jaylan: "Hey

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Jaylan: "Hey." she says opening the door to see Tyler and Brielle standing there
Brielle: "Hi mommy." she says hugging her legs before running off
Jaylan: "Thanks" she says as Tyler hands her Brielle's bag and looks up to see the look on his face "You okay?"
Tyler: "We need to talk."
Jaylan: "Okay" she says putting the bag down and closing the door stepping out on the porch with him "What's up?"
Tyler: "You remember that pack we made when we we're kids? That we would be straight up and truthful with each other. No matter how bad it was we we're always honest."
Jaylan: "Yeah. Why?"
Tyler: "What happened to my Uncle Mason?" he asks making her face drop
Jaylan: "What?"
Tyler: "He's dead. And I want you to tell me what happened."
Jaylan: "Uh, Tyler, I don't-" she says shaking her head
Tyler: "Then let me tell you. Stefan and his brother Damon killed him because Stefan and Damon are vampires just like you."
Jaylan: "Who told you that?"
Tyler: "Is it true?"
Jaylan: "Let me explain."
Tyler: "Did you know he was dead this whole time?"
Jaylan: "Please." she says with tears starting to gather in her eyes
Tyler: "Did you know?" he asks as she nods and he slams her into the wall showing his wolf eyes
Jaylan: "I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm sorry."
Tyler: "I trusted you." he says looking at the scared look on her face making him let her go and walk away. When he gets in his car and drives off she leaned her head against the wall and bangs her fist against it a little

CAROL: "Due to the recent tragedies that have plagued our town we will be holding a memorial in Town Square to honor all we have lost. Join us in hopes that, as a community, we can begin to heal." she says on the tv
John: "Morning." He says as Elena comes into the room and Jaylan comes back into the house
Elena: "What are you doing here?"
John: "Coffee?"
Elena: "We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?"
John: "I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment."
Elena: "What do you mean that's all?"
John: "I'll tell you more when I can trust you."
Jenna: "Oh, God, I'm late."
Alaric: "That's what you get for hitting snooze."
Jenna: "What the hell?"
John: "Good morning to you, Jenna, Alaric."
Jenn: "It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like, ever."
Alaric: "You okay?" he whispers to Jaylan who is grabbing her bag
Jaylan: "Mh. Oh yeah I'm fine" she says sniffling a little wiping her eyes "I gotta do something real quickly. I'll meet you guys at the grill." she says to the adults before grabbing her bag walking out
John: "Well, I got in late last night. Elena let me in."
Alaric: "You know, I'm, uh, probably just gonna take off" he says kissing Jenna on the head before walking out to see Jaylan at her car "Hey are you sure you're okay?" he asks as she sighs and turns to face him
Jaylan: "Tyler knows about what really happened to Mason. He didn't take it well."
Alaric: "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" he asks looking her over as she shakes her head
Jaylan: "No, no I'm fine. It's just the look that he gave me" she says wiping her eyes as Alaric looks at her with sympathy "I just have to tell Stefan before Tyler tries to do something. I'll see you later." she says as he nods and closes the door for her


Damon: "You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big "save Elena" move?"
Stefan: "I went to look for Isobel and got John. He said he could help us and we're desperate."
Damon: "We're not that desperate. The guy tried to barbecue me and Jaylan. Remember that?"
Stefa: "Damon, Bonnie's witch friend is working with Elijah. So we have to assume the moonstone was never destroyed. Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. Do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an Original. He can't be trusted. It's not like we could go and kill him because apparently he can't die."
Damon: "Still waiting for the part where John Gilbert's the answer."
Stefan: "He knew about the sacrifice. Isobel told him. He said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe."
Damon: "And how do we do that?"
Stefan: "He's not talking. At least not to me, anyway."
Damon: "Great work, Stefan, topnotch. As if I didn't have enough problems." he says going to walk away
Stefan: "Hey, I'm sorry about Rose."
Damon: "Whatever. I knew the woman for five minutes."
Stefan: "And you cared about her after five minutes. Oh, I wonder what that means."
Damon: "It means I care, Stefan. It means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness. Better watch your back because I may have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder." he says walking out of the house

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