Dangerous Liaisons

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Matt: "How's Mr.Saltzman?" he asks when she comes out of Alaric's hospital room
Elena: "Resigned to spending the night in observation, so long as I promise to change the locks on the house. So I talked with Bonnie earlier. Her and her mom are fine. Have you talked to Caroline?"
Matt: "Yeah. She's holding it together, considering how close she and her dad used to be. Any word on who was behind all these attacks?"
Elena: "No. Sheriff Forbes said that there's no real suspects at all. How are you dealing with everything? I mean, you keep getting dragged into all this." she asks as they walk outside to the parking lot
Matt: "Honestly I'm kind of lucky. The only thing that I have to worry about for tomorrow is showing up for my shift at the Grill."
Elena: "Thank you for everything today. Really."
Matt: "Get home safe."
Elena: "Thanks" she says as she gets in her car and watches Matt drive off but hits something when backing up making her get out her car "What?"
Rebekah: "Drive much?" she says appearing behind Elena
Elena: "Rebekah." she gasped out
Rebekah: "Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurt" she says going to attack her but Elijah pins her against a car "Elijah."
Elijah: "Leave. Are you challenging me?" he says when she stands up straighter 
Rebekah: "You're pathetic. Both of you." she says before speeding off
Elijah: "Well I believe we have a little catching up to do."

Elena: "It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin

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Elena: "It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin." she says to Jaylan, Damon, and Stefan the next day
Stefan: "As in the original witch?"
Damon: "What? How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago."
Elena: "I don't know." she says shrugging her shoulders
Jaylan: "I'm guessing she has a couple of connections in the witching community. She is considered the 'Original Witch'."
Elena: "Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus."
Stefan: "She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus."
Elena: "Yeah, well, not anymore. At least, not according to Elijah."
Stefan: "That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds."
Damon: "Anyone else feeling a little used right now?"
Elena: "Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us. I believe him." she says as the doorbell rings and Jaylan goes to answer it only to see two envelopes on the ground with her and Elena's name on it
Damon: "What is it?"
Jaylan: "It's an invitation" she said handing Elena hers "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration."
Stefan: "Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?"
Jaylan: "The original family. Duh."
Damon: "It's not bad enough they're moving into town. Now they want a housewarming gift?"
Elena: "Wait. There's a note on the back" she says looking at hers "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet." Esther. If Esther wants to talk to me, maybe I should find out why." she says as they walk back to the living room
Damon: "Well, that's a dumb idea. She already tried to kill you once."
Stefan: "No, Elena's right. Bonnie was led to open that coffin for a reason. I think there's more to this than just some family reunion."
Damon: "Can we go back in time to the old Stefan who cared if Elena lived or died?"
Stefan: "What for? That seems to be your job now."
Elena: "Stefan has a point, Damon. I should find out what she wants."
Damon: "You can't protect yourself."
Stefan: "Ok, fine. Then I'll go."
Damon: "You pissed off enough originals to last a lifetime. I'll go. End of story." he says taking her invite from her walking out pulling Jaylan with him
Damon: "How would you feel planning a little mission tonight?" he asks as they walk to his car
Jaylan: "What kind of mission?"
Damon: "We all know that Elena is going to end up showing up tonight. So why not help get her and Stefan back together."
Jaylan: "Why the sudden care about their relationship?" she asks turning to face him
Damon: "They were both more bearable when they were together. So what do you say?" he asks smirking at her
Jaylan: "Fine." she says kissing him goodbye as he gets in his car and drives off

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