Disturbing Behavoir

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The next day they all go to a clothing store so Rebekah can get new ones

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The next day they all go to a clothing store so Rebekah can get new ones

Rebekah: "There has to be more to this dress." She calls out from the changing room as the other three wait outside for her while drinking champagne
Klaus: "There's not." He says as she comes out to them
Rebekah: "So women in the 21st-century dress like prostitutes, then."
Jaylan: "Not all of them." She says drinking from her glass
Rebekah: "You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."
Klaus: "You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing."
Rebekah: "And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."
Stefan: "It's dance music."
Rebekah: "People would dance to this?" She asks looking at him like he's crazy
Stefan: "Hmm." He nods his head
Klaus: "Are we done?" He asks annoyed
Rebekah: "And why are you so grumpy?"
Klaus: "I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it." He says as Jaylan and Stefan share a look knowing the truth about it
Rebekah: "I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years. So what do you think?" She asks doing a little spin for Stefan
Stefan: "I like it," he says before seeing the disapproving look on her face "What? I said I like it."
Rebekah: "I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." She says going back into the room
Klaus: "Nice one, good work."
Jaylan: "You're the one that pulled the Dagger out of her." She mutters to him
Rebekah: "I heard that." She says as Stefan sighs and finishes his drink standing up
Stefan: "All right. I'm going to get some fresh air."


Damon: "I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili" he says to Elena while he helps Brielle make cupcakes  "Hey, Ric."
Alaric: "What's up?"
Elena: "What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?"
Alaric: "Ah. Those founders' parties aren't really my thing."
Damon: "Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili."
Elena: "It's an old family recipe, ok?" She says annoyed
Damon: "Yeah! I know. I knew your old family. They made sucky chili." He says playfully taking the spoon from her making her giggle at him
Alaric: "Why are you here, exactly?" He asks Damon confused
Damon: "She knows." He points to Elena going back to Brielle
Elena: "He thinks I'm going to break. I'm not going to break. I am just going to keep making chili, pretend like I didn't just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found."
Damon: "She's in denial." He fake whispers letting Brielle lick some of the icings off a spoon
Elena: "I'm not in denial."
Damon: "No? You're still wearing this necklace. Isn't this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan?" He asks picking it up a little before putting it down "What do you say we get these bad boys in the oven." He says to Brielle who nods and watches him put the pan in the oven
Caroline: "I come bearing gifts." She says when Elena opens the door
Elena: "Please say that's not chili," She says making Caroline look at her weird before someone comes from around the corner  "Bonnie!"
Bonnie: "I'm back!"
Elena: "Hi!"
Bonnie: "I leave town for the summer and everything goes to hell for both of you." She says hugging her before Jeremy comes downstairs
Jeremy: "Bonnie!"
Bonnie: "Jeremy! Ohh!" She exclaims hugging him sighing into his arms

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