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After calculus and human geography, it was finally time for lunch. By the time I made it to my locker, Cassidy was already there waiting.

"Hey, Sky," she smiled as I approached.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I asked as I opened my locker and shoved my bag inside

"Eh. I have Randy in like every class, so of course I heard his story about some college chick he banged this summer like four freaking times," she said rolling her eyes.

"I mean, I know he's the mayor's son and all, but seriously, he's not even that attractive," she continued as we walked down the hallway.

"I know, but I guess money proceeds looks."

"Ugh," she groaned.

We entered the cafeteria located on the first floor and waited in the long line for food.

"So, how's your day?" she asked me as we drowned out the noise of the rest of the high school class.

"Well of course I got assigned to do my senior project with none other than Beckett Hill."

"No shit! Damn. How hard was it to pay attention? Were you just daydreaming in his presence?" she sighed with heart eyes.

"Oh, shut up. You know I'm not like that," I laughed, hitting her arm.

"Sure, sure. Says the girl whose face is turning redder by the minute."

I groaned and moved up in the line to grab us trays.
We found an empty table near one of the large floor to ceiling windows and took a seat with our trays of food.

My mouth watered at the smell of the pasta and I picked up my fork to begin eating.

I looked around the room as I ate and noticed Elena standing alone looking like a lost puppy.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Cass, I think we should invite the new girl to sit with us. Look, she's alone," I said motioning behind her shoulder.

She turned around and scanned the room.

"What? I didn't know we had a new student. What's her name?"

"Elena...something. I don't remember her last name. I guess her dad took over the veterinary clinic," I explained.

"Oh, okay. Well, why don't you invite her over since she knows who you are?"

I waved to try and get her attention, but she didn't see me. I groaned and got up from the table to go get her.

"Hey, Elena. It's Sky. We had English together," I said awkwardly.

"Oh, right. Hi Sky," she smiled.

"Did you want to sit with my friend and I?"

"If you don't mind...that would be great."

"Of course, I'll introduce you to Cass," I said turning around and leading her to our table.

Elena set her tray down next to mine and climbed into her seat.

"Hi, I'm Cassidy, but everybody calls me Cass. You must be Elena," Cass said, putting out her hand.

"Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you," Elena said, shaking Cass's hand.

"So, when did you move here?" Cass asked.

"Oh, just a few weeks ago," she said taking a sip from her juice.

I continued to eat allowing Cass to do the talking since socializing was more her strong suit than mine.

"Where did you move to?" Cass asked before taking a bite of her salad.

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