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My bum arm had started to become tingly as we drove to Beckett's house. I knew I needed to take a look at it once we got inside, but his mom and dad wanted to talk to me. So, after Beckett ushered Waylin upstairs I unwillingly joined them in the living room.

I waited awkwardly on the sofa for one of them to say something. Tony finally cleared his throat to speak.

"Listen, Skylar, we don't mind you and your brother staying here," he paused and looked at his wife, "we just want to get the whole story."

"What do you mean?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

"Well, we just want to make sure that you and your brother are safe..." Mrs. Hill paused, "and we want to make sure that neither of you is using drugs while you're under our roof."

"Oh my god! I swear, we've never, ever touched any drugs," I assured.

They both nodded slowly, sharing a silent conversation.

"Okay, well why don't you get some sleep. I'll make sure you're up for court in the morning," Mrs. Hill said.

I nodded and left the room, cradling my arm.

I poked my head into Beckett's room where I found Waylin and him watching tv, before entering the bathroom.

I cringed with pain as I attempted to remove my long-sleeved shirt. I gave up, frustrated, and pulled down the collar to reveal my shoulder.

It was swollen and red, and definitely not normal looking.

I wiped the tears from my face and anxiously shook my leg. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want Tony to see that I had cut up my arms again. And I definitely didn't want Beckett or Waylin to look at it. I gritted my teeth and popped back into Beckett's room.

"Hey," I said, interrupting their gaze at the tv screen, "Beckett can you come here for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure," He scrambled out of bed and followed me into the bathroom.

"Close the door, please," I said impatiently.

He did so without hesitation and turned back to face me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scanning my body.

"I don't know, but I think something is wrong with my shoulder," I said, licking my dry lips.

"Okay, you want me to get my dad?" He asked

"No!" I paused, lowering my voice, "I mean no, it's not necessary. I just need help getting... my shirt off," I finished awkwardly.

He stifled a smirk and nodded his head, walking closer to me.

"Can you just pull my sleeve down and I can get my good arm out," I directed.

"Ow!" I hissed as he maneuvered the shirt over my head.

"Sorry," he muttered.

I pulled the rest of the shirt down my bum arm cringing in pain.

"Skylar, what the hell happened?" He asked.

I met his gaze to see what he was staring at, my shoulder or my fresh relapses.

"I just fell," I said dismissively.

I groaned at the sight of it in the mirror.

"Sky, you definitely dislocated it," he said.

I closed my eyes in frustration.

Can things get any worse? I seriously cannot take anything else. If there is a God, I am begging you to let this be the last of it. I swear I'll start going to church if you just give me a break. Just one day. Please.

"I'm sure my dad can pop it back into place," he said as he leaned against the counter.

I opened my eyes and released a long breath.

"Are you sure it's dislocated?" I asked skeptically, failing to raise my arm.

"Positive," he said.

"Fine," I sighed, staring at my butchered arms in the mirror, attempting to cover them up with my shirt.

There was a knock on the door before his dad entered.

"Hey there," Tony smiled, "I heard you dislocated your shoulder."

He closed the door behind him and stepped towards me.

"I'm just going to feel the area, okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Can you feel me touching you?"

"Um, yeah, but my arm is tingling," I added.

He dropped his hands to his side and bit his lip.

"Do you want the bad news or the good news first?"

"Oh god, the good news first," I sighed.

"Well, it's not dislocated. At least not completely," he said.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, basically it's halfway out of the socket. Usually, when this happens it will pop back in by itself but since it hasn't, we need to help it."

"Okay, so what's the bad news?" I asked.

"I can't fix it. Your muscles are too tense and the swelling is too much for me to do it. You'll need to go to the ER," he explained.

Tears threatened as they pricked my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I asked, wiping my eyes with my good arm.

"I'm sorry, Skylar," he frowned.

I took a deep breath in and out, nodding.

He opened the door and called for Beckett.

"Yeah?" Beckett responded.

"Can you get her a zip-up sweater to wear?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll be right back," I heard him say.

He handed it through the crack of the door a few moments later.

Tony draped it across my shoulders and zipped it up so I wasn't exposed.

"I'll meet you downstairs. Do you have an ID or insurance card on you?" He asked.

"Um, I have my student ID. I don't have an insurance card."

"Hm, okay. Bring your student ID," he said before heading out the door.

I entered Beckett's room to tell Waylin goodbye and let him know where I was going.

"Wait, is that from when mommy hit you?" He asked.

"It was an accident," I said quickly, noticing Beckett's stare.

"I know, I know, she had too much sugar," he said rolling his eyes.

"Right," I said hoping Beckett would not see through the shallow lie, "I want you in bed by the time I get home."

"Okay," he huffed.

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