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I ran up the steps and pulled open the door. It was dimly lit and I could tell that there were a couple of people towards the front of the church.

I'd never been inside a church before, but I knew that I definitely was not dressed for the occasion. I walked as quickly as I could without disturbing any of the people in the pews and headed down a hallway looking for a bathroom.

"Sorry," I said as I bumped into someone as I turned a corner.

"Woah," a man's voice gently spoke, "are you alright?"

I met his gaze and nodded. Based on his attire I assumed he was the priest.

"Yes, sorry," I said, wrapping my arms around my chest to cover myself.

"Can I help you, child?" He asked me softly.

I let out a shaky breath and blinked away the tears. Something about his gentle expression that patiently waited for me to respond made me break.

"I just," I paused to take another breath, "I need to get home."

God, Skylar stop crying, I scolded as tears filled my eyes.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"Um, Old Ashton," I sniffled pathetically.

"Hmm. You're far from home aren't you?" He nodded with a smile, "well, why don't we see what we can do to help you."

He motioned for me to follow him back out into the main area where all the pews were and I slowly followed. We crossed the chapel and he led me into an office that was well lit.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asked as he passed a water cooler.

"No thank you," I said.

"Is there someone you'd like to call?" He asked as he took a seat at his desk and gestured for me to get comfortable in one of the chairs opposite him.

"No, I just need some way to get home. I don't have any money on me," I said flatly.

"Hmm," he paused in thought before opening a binder and shuffling through pages.

He scanned them with his finger before letting out a breath of discovery. He picked up his phone on his desk and began to dial a number.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, "Who are you calling?"

"I'm just calling a friend," he said patiently as he held the receiver to his ear.

"Hello, Peter, it's Dave at St. Michael's. I've got a friend here who could use a ride back to Old Ashton. Would you be able to help her out?" he asked.

He paused as the person on the other line spoke.

"Thank you," he chuckled before hanging up the phone.

"Well, it looks like your ride will be here in about an hour. In the meantime, you're welcome to join for evening mass. It starts in about 15 minutes."

"I'm sorry who exactly is giving me a ride?" I was confused.

"Oh, sorry. It's Father Peter from St. Augustines," he stated.

I still gazed at him with confusion.

"That's the church in Old Ashton," he clarified.

"Oh, right," I nodded, "um, I don't think I'm really dressed for the occasion," I added, looking at my bare feet.

"That's alright, but I'm sure we can find something in the donation closet if you feel uncomfortable," he smiled as he opened his office door.

"I don't want to cause any more inconvenience," I shook my head.

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