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One month later...

The phone rang, making me jump back to reality. I watched as Priya stood up to answer it and before I returned to writing about the prompt on the board.

"Sky," Priya called aloud.

I looked up to see that she had hung up the phone. She motioned for me to come to her desk. I set my pencil down and approached her.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly, ignoring those in the class that were eavesdropping.

"They need you in the office," she said as she nodded her head towards the door.

"Oh, okay."

I looked back at Elena in confusion, shrugging my shoulders to answer her silent question of what was going on. I caught Beckett's gaze and gritted my teeth before pushing the door open and leaving the classroom.

I rolled my eyes to myself as I walked down the hall, trying to ignore all the feelings boiling inside me. When I reached the office I leaned against the counter and waited for the receptionist, Molly, to be off the phone.

"Hi, Skylar," she greeted once she had hung up, "Dr. Wittaker is waiting for you in his office. There's a phone call for you."

"Kay, thanks," I said, concern growing with every step I took.

I knocked before pushing his door open.

"Um, hey, you wanted to see me?" I asked, hesitating in the doorway.

"Yes, there's someone on the phone for you, please shut the door and take a seat," he suggested, motioning to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

I quickly took a seat, anxious to find out who on earth would be calling me at school.

"This might be alarming, but your mother is in the hospital. A nurse there wants to ask you a few questions. They're trying to ascertain what happened."

"Oh my god, is she okay?" I asked in shock.

This is not what I was expecting when I came here. Holy shit, what did she do now?

I watched as Dr. Wittaker dialed the phone number to the hospital and I wanted to wrench the phone from his hands as he slowly pressed each button. I could hear the line ringing as he held the receiver to his ear and I realized I was bouncing my legs with anxiety.

Oh my god, why are they taking so long to answer? Pick up the damn phone!

Dr. Wittaker smiled at me as if trying to comfort me, but it only made me want to punch him in the mouth.

"Yes, hi," he said suddenly, "Am I speaking with Jessica?"

"Yes, how can I help?" a muffled voice said.

"I have Skylar here to talk to you about her mom," he said, nodding at me again.

Holy hell, I wanted to claw the phone from his hands. Just hand it to me already. For fuck's sake!

"Okay, here she is," he paused and handed me the phone, "I'll be just outside."

"Hi, this is Skylar," I said as I watched him close the door behind him.

"Hi Skylar, I'm sorry to tell you this but your mother is in the hospital and we're trying to find out what's wrong. I know that these might be hard questions to answer, and don't worry you won't get in any trouble, but we need to know so we can make your mom feel better."

"Oh-okay," I said relieved to hear that she was at least still alive.

"We think your mom might have taken something and we need to know what that was. Do you know what types of drugs your mom might have had at home?"

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