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Three weeks later...

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I shouted with glee, jumping up and down.

I opened up the bathroom cabinet looking for what I needed.

"Damn," I said aloud, closing the cupboard.

"Everything okay?" I heard Beck ask as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah! Great!" I called out, as I stood up from the floor.

My heart was pumping with joy and relief as I wadded up some toilet paper and placed it in my underwear.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, opening the door.

Beckett was standing there with a confused expression on his face.

"Sorry," I chuckled, "I, uh, started my period."

"Oh," he nodded awkwardly.

"Ooh!" he suddenly exclaimed, a look of understanding falling over his face, "congrats?"

I laughed, "Yes. Thank you! Such a relief."

He pulled me into his chest and sighed.

"I'm glad you're not, but if you were, just know that wouldn't have changed anything," he said as he rested his cheek on top of my head.

I nodded, taking in what he said as I breathed in his cologne.

"Uh, I kinda need to go to the store before we go to the movie," I said against his chest, lightening the subject.

"Oh, okay," he said, pulling away from the hug, "no problem."

"Thanks, I'm just going to ask if Waylin needs anything."

I walked into Andrew's room, where Waylin was laying on the bed reading.

"Hey," I said leaning against the doorframe, "I'm heading out. We're going to stop at the store. Need anything?"

"Huh?" he said, looking up from his book momentarily, "um, no."

"Kay, see you later," I smiled, glancing at his mess of clothes that were spilling out of the dresser he now claimed as his own.

I met Beckett at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my purse from where it hung on the hall tree.

"Ma," Beckett called, "we're heading out."

She appeared from the kitchen a moment later.

"Okay, honey," she said smiling at us both, "you'll be back around 3?"

"Uh, yeah," he nodded, "we're stopping at the store, need anything?"

"No," she cocked her head to the side, "I think we've got everything."

She squinted his eyes at him.

He shook his head ever so slightly, as he gave his mom an expression I didn't understand.

"We're just getting me some tampons," I explained, looking between them both skeptically.

She gasped, "You started?"

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling.

"Oh, good," she sighed, "I mean, you know what I mean," she tried to explain.

"I get it," I chuckled, "I'm relieved, too."

"Okay," she said, checking the time on her watch, "well I'll see you guys later."

"Kay, bye mom," Beck said, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall to the garage door.

That was weird.


Beckett checked his phone for the tenth time in the last minute.

"Okay, spill. You've been acting weird all day." I said, squinting my eyes at him in suspicion.

"I have not," he objected, dropping his phone back into the cupholder.

"If you don't want to do this you can just be honest," I sighed, hoping he wouldn't say what I thought he might.

"What?" he exclaimed, "No, no. I want this," he said, grabbing my hand, "I'm just so grateful that you've forgiven me."

I looked at our interlaced fingers before looking up at his face. He glanced at me, flashing his green eyes and a smile.

"Are you sure?" I pressed.

"Yes, Skybaby, I'm 100 percent positive," he said, looking at me seriously after we pulled into the driveway.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his body to face me.

"I love you," he said, stroking my cheek.

He pressed his lips against mine, making my heart skip in my chest.

When he pulled back and opened his eyes, I cupped my hand over his and stared into his eyes nervously.

"I love you too," I whispered, a smile spreading across both of our faces.

He pecked my lips again.

"Why aren't we parking in the garage?" I asked, looking outside.

"No reason," he shrugged, "come on let's go inside."

He slipped his hand into mine as we entered the front door. He looked at me with a mischievous smile as he dragged me towards the kitchen.


I clutched my chest in shock as I looked at the smiling faces in the room.

Elena, Cass, Waylin, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, were all wearing party hats. The kitchen was decorated with balloons and streamers and a round cake sat in the middle of the island.

"Happy Birthday!" Cass and Elena squealed as they engulfed me in a hug, pulling me out of my stupor.

"Oh my god, you guys," I whined, "you didn't have to do this."

"Please, save your complaints for someone else," Cass sassed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

I looked to Beckett who was beaming next to me. They herded me to the island and Tony dimmed the lights.

Mrs. Hill lit the candles on the cake, causing everyone to start singing.

I closed my eyes, leaning forwards to blow out the candles.

Happy Birthday, Sky.

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