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Beckett was right. Nothing was as hard as what I had already been through.

Telling Cassidy and Elena was draining, but I was grateful that it didn't change our friendship. Elena almost died of guilt when she found out, but I promised her that I had forgiven her. When we returned to school that next week they helped me cover up the bruises that lingered on my body from my mom's attack by taking me shopping for makeup.

Priya pulled me aside that first morning back and told me that she had shared with Dr. Wittaker my writing piece about the rape, which meant I had to explain that I had already reported it.

The Hill's met with Dr. Wittaker and the principal to explain the situation my brother and I were in. That we were now living with them, and as a condition, I was required to go to counseling.

I had to meet with Dr. Wittaker twice a week to "talk". Talk about not self-harming, talk about dealing with the fact that my rapist wasn't found, talk about how guilty I felt for leaving my mom, talk about how much I missed her despite how much I hated her, and talk about how much I wished I could do differently.

By the time graduation rolled around, the trial against my mom was over. In addition to the possession of the controlled substance, she was also charged with child abuse, neglect, and exploitation of a minor. My mom was sentenced to twelve years in prison. They tried to pin EJ, but he apparently left the state after they questioned him about the party where I was raped. 

I made sure that Waylin didn't have to testify in front of anyone or see my mother. Mrs. Hill arranged for a private meeting with the judge. They even helped me explain to him where she was and why she wasn't coming home.

The summer after graduation the Hills started the process of becoming Waylin's legal guardians. Katy and Andrew had graciously let Waylin and I share their rooms. Since they were away at college they said that they didn't mind and Katy helped me decorate the room to something more my taste.

Beckett and I were starting college in the fall. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I did know that I had the time to find out. Without the responsibility of caring for Waylin on my own, or my mother, I finally had a chance to discover who Skylar Jane Dreher was and what she wanted.

-The End-

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