Chapter Three

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The fact that I crave ice cream after dinner is nothing new to my mom or grandma.

I used to go for walks with my dad after dinner to eat ice cream. He used to order something new every time.

A smile stretched on my lips when I remembered the hideous ice cream flavours he used to try just to make me laugh.

I walked and walked for aeons, crossed deserts, climbed mountains and After wandering for like a bazillion years I reached my destination. It's a small ice cream place.

I entered the shop and asked a person behind the counter who resembles awfully lot like a Santa for a vanilla flavour ice cream with some rainbow sprinkles on the top.

Yep! Pure heaven.

I must have drooled a bucket full while waiting but before Mr Santa can hand my ice cream to me, a small girl with a ponytail entered the store. After jumping here and there like a furry rabbit she asked for the same order as I did.

What a cute girl.

Mr Santa smiled and handed her the ice cream he was preparing for me. I don't honestly mind. It's not like I'm in a hurry or something.

The cute girl took it from him and walked towards my table. She starts to nibble on her ice cream after hopping onto the seat across from mine.

There were a lot of tables in the shop but for some unknown reason, she decided to sit with me. But that's not the real reason I'm staring at her. It's the fact that there is something familiar about her. I can't put my finger on what but I know there is.

She looked up and gave me a toothy grin. It struck me like a bolt of lighting.


That's it! Her eyes. I have seen the same set somewhere else. But where?

"What is your name?" I asked before handing her a tissue paper. She has ice-cream smeared all over her face.

She took the napkin and wiped her face quickly. I smiled because it's still there.

"Raine." She replied in a small voice.

Raine! I don't think I have met her before. Then why does she seems so familiar?

I look around to check if there is someone with her but didn't see anyone other than me and Mr Santa.

"Did you come here alone?" She looks about 3 years old so it's baffling to see her alone at this late. Who would leave a small child like this?

Stupid humans.

She looked around with panic evident in her eyes as if just now realising that she's alone.

"Supelman?" She mumbled and got off the chair.

Soon her lips start to tremble. My heart clenched painfully after noticing it. She's scared and she's about to cry.

"Hey, come here." I stretched my hand towards her. She stared at my hand with her big green eyes for a few seconds before hesitantly placing her small hand in mine.

"Don't cry," I whispered and tugged her forward so I can wipe the tears which are rolling down her cheek. "I'm sure your parents will be here any second."

About 5 minutes later someone opened the door. My back was towards the door so I have no idea who is it.

"Raine." My heart kicked the moment I heard his voice. It was filled with emotions but I still recognised it.

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