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"I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me."
-Human by Rag n Bone Man

The whiskey I had before school is still drumming through my veins as I run across the football pitch. It is only a typical gym lesson but Cooper is acting like we are training for the fucking olympics.

Ever since he hurt that arm, he has turned into a coach. He screams at us from the sideline like a teacher and blows on a whistle that coach gave him. He has made us do drills and obstacle courses whilst the girls on the sidelines pretend to stretch. They are all just gossiping.

"Pick up the pace, Cole. Your grandmother can move faster than that." Cooper shouts loudly, making me scowl and turn around to glare at his lopsided grin.

"Fuck off, Daniels. Don't make me come over there and show you how much of a grandmother I really am." I grumble angrily before running faster again and Cooper laughs from the sidelines.

"I hope you know how dirty that sounded." Cooper remarks but I only roll my eyes and carry on with my training. I'm not breaking a sweat or anything because my body is used to this kind of shit but I am thankful when the whistle goes and we all hustle into the changing rooms.

We head in and I pretend to throw a punch at Cooper. He shakes me off, laughing and carries on teasing me. I change out of my football stuff, have a quick shower just to get off my sweat and then change into my school uniform.

"Are you listening to them shit talk all the girls?" Cooper says in frustration and gestures to Fred, Mark and Gary who are snickering in the corner of the room. I shake my head as I usually don't listen to other people's conversations.

"Sarah may be annoying as fuck but the tits on that girl is enough to block out her voice. I hear she's a good fuck." Mark boasts loudly and the guys surrounding him laugh in unison.

"I'd rather fuck Josie. At least she would know when to shut up and leave when I tell her to." Gary comments and Mark slaps him on the back as they laugh loudly again. I roll my eyes as I'm used to this kind of shit talking in here. "What about Brooke and Rose?"

I stiffen and exchange a knowing look with Ben. I dare them to say anything about either of them. I have to admit that I've done some shit talking in the past about girls but never about the shit I've done with them.

"Brooke is probably more flexible considering she is sporty and shit but imagine being able to fuck the Ice Queen." Fred remarks excitedly and they all grin widely. My jaw clenches and I tell myself to not react but it is so god damn hard.

"Imagine being able to tame her and get her to do whatever the fuck you want. I bet she is wild as fuck. I'd make her get down on her knees and..." Mark doesn't even finish his sentence because in a blink of an eye, I'm suddenly seeing red. I hop over the wall of lockers and slam him down so hard that he falls against the floor.

"You are a fucking shit talking motherfucker." I shout loudly before picking him up again and slam him against the wall. I should be doing this with each of them but Mark is the worst slimy person I know and deserves this.

He is smart enough to look scared, with wide eyes and a flustered face. His nose is bleeding from where I punched him in the face and I'm glaring at him so hard that I'm shaking from anger.

"Relax, Will. It's not as if she is your girlfriend or even the flavour of the month. She is just another slut with a heavy bank account. What's the big deal? . Can you not at least let us have her?."Mark says nonchalantly and I punch him in the stomach this time, making him groan.

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