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-Will- Present-

"When I'm fucked up, that's the real me."
-The Hills by The Weekend

The flight is tiresome and seemed to drag longer than any flight I've ever been on. The Boarding School in Scotland I had been sent to for the past two years was terrible. It seemed to be constantly raining and foggy and none of my friends were there.

Boarding school wasn't something to help me education wise, it was a punishment from my father and an excuse for me to get out of town. I did something, something bad and my father may be a manipulative bastard but he's rich and he managed to get me out of the mess I caused.

None of my friends know the real reason I was sent to boarding school and I know that Rose doesn't remember what happened that night. Rose. She is my worst nightmare and my biggest enemy. She also happens to be the girl that I couldn't get out of my head.

She is to blame for me being sent to boarding school and yet she doesn't even remember what happened. Ben asked several times but I never told him or Cooper or Brooke.

I don't know which I would rather. To be in the bullshit school in Scotland or the fucking shithole that is Riverbrook. Growing up, my father taught me to tell when someone is bullshitting. Everyone has their tell and it only takes a matter of minutes to figure out what it is.

I realised quickly that everyone in this fucking rich town are fake. Even my friends and I. We all cover up how miserable our pathetic lives are with the glamour of money and parties. I have to admit, I'm one of those people.

Which is why I'm downing a bottle of whiskey before I return home. I'm in the back of my limo, my driver an unknown face but I notice the concerned looks he is giving me. I can't deal with my parents sober right now. It is nearly 11 so they probably aren't waiting up for me.

The limo stops and although I get out, I take a moment before walking inside to look up at the house. The house I grew up in. It is bigger than any other on this block with too many windows and too many flowers. It just represents how fake my family is.

As my head is spinning and my legs are barely functioning from the amount of alcohol I consumed, I struggle to walk up the stairs. The unknown driver offers to help but I flip him off and help myself into the house.

"Hello! Mum? Dad? I'm homeeee." I sing loudly and stumble over my feet a little as I head into the kitchen. Thankfully, I am a functioning drunk so I can almost pretend I'm sober. I see my mum first, who gives me a big smile and doesn't try to give me a hug because she knows I will only push her off.

She is pretty for her age and completely fake. Her hair is pitch black and in tight curls that are tugged back into a clip. She has green eyes that always look scrutinising, like right now. Clearly, she can tell I'm not sober.

"You've had too much to drink again." She snaps coldly but keeps a big smile on her face. I frown, confused as to why she is smiling with such a fake smile. "We have some guests over so I need you to play nice." Ah, that's why.

"Hello to you too, mother." I say harshly and she flinches at my cold tone before she returns to her seat. I walk further into the room and notice my father sat at the head of the table with some business associates around him who don't bother looking at me.

My father glances up and his cold eyes makes me remember all the bad things that have happened in the past few years. I meet his eyes with my own icy glare and hatred passes between us. If I had my trust fund, I'd be out of here in a second but until I leave school and earn my own money, I'm fucked. So I'm forced to live with my mother and father, even if I hate them.

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