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"And your heart's against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes"
-Kiss me By Ed Sheeran

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I just stare at the message. No emotion. No anger. No frustration. Nothing. The sun coming through my window is irritating me as it shines in my eyes so I lean back. I'm still fixated on my phone.

Unknown : I want one million dollars otherwise I'm telling the police and your little girlfriend about what you did.

I groan, throw my phone across the room and lie back against my bed. This guy is starting to get more serious and I have no idea what to do. There is a high possibility that they don't know anything and they want my money. But how would they know something about two years ago? What if they go through with telling the police and worse, telling Rose?

I've kept this secret long enough now that I thought I could forget about it. Rose hasn't brought up George Johnson and she has no idea what happened. But she knows I killed someone. She knows I left. And soon enough, she will make the connections.

Rose's perfume still faintly fills the room, although she hasn't been here since yesterday. I only found out from Cooper that Thomas is back but Rose hasn't messaged me about it. I don't know why I'm surprised considering she would never have told me before.

Impulsively, I decide that I have to tell someone about the messages. I was an idiot to think I could deal with this shit. If someone was threatening me in person, I'd beat the shit out of them or ruin their college chances. But this person is anonymously messaging me, claiming to have proof. I'm in way over my head.

The only two people that know are my father and Rose's father. My father isn't an option. He had stormed in my room about an hour ago, ordering me to come with him to a meeting in a few days and then lectures me on my fighting in the club. That leaves Rose's father.

I grab my hoodie, throw it over my head and march down the stairs. I don't inform my parents about where I'm going but I'm sure they won't care.

Rose's house is cleaner and more polished from the last time I came here. Lola probably had someone clean the entire house, water the garden and polish the silver. Everything practically sparkles.

I knock on the door and wait a moment. Marissa opens the door, raises her eyebrows at me in surprise and silently widens the door. Rose's and Cooper's housekeeper has always been sceptical of me. She used to think I was the devils spawn when I was younger and a bad influence on Rose. How is it my fault that Rose happens to be a bitch?

"Marissa." I nod my head in greeting and she folds her arms. I try to move past her but she steps in my way.

"You can't walk in here like you own the place, Mr Cole." She snaps, her vein popping out of her forehead. I smirk lazily. "If you are here for miss Rose, I suggest you turn back around."

"Why do I get the feeling that you don't like me?" I ask, pretending to pout and be upset. In all honesty, I couldn't give a shit what she thinks about me. I always find Marissa much too nosy and intrusive. She was always the one that told me off when I was younger.

"Because I know boys like you and I don't like boys like you. You're a troublemaker." She comments, her beady eyes staring me down. I laugh harshly but the sound is so bitter that she flinches.

A Force Of Gravity✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ