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"Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you."
-Home By Edith Whiskers

After a fortnight, the hospital had let me go home. I've spent the past few days in bed and I'm thankful I had finished school work before the accident so I'm not missing out. Now I'm having to get ready for my last prom.

I sit at my dressing table, frustrated by my broken arm that is ruining my look. My dress is beautiful. A simple blue dress that is long and made of lace. Brooke applies my makeup and Marissa does my hair into a low bun.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Marissa fusses, fiddling with my cast but I snap my arm away.

"Marissa, my arm is fine. It looks disgusting with my prom dress but I have no choice." I grumble in frustration, sighing heavily at my reflection.

Brooke looks gorgeous. A bright emerald dress that glitters in the light clings to her body and her red hair is loose. She doesn't have cuts all over her, a nasty scar and a broken arm. She looks incredible.

"You are alive, Rose. You should count your blessings." Marissa says sternly but her eyes are soft as she looks at me. She fills with tears and I cringe.

"Why are you crying?" I ask bluntly and she wipes them away, embarrassed and fierce. Brooke raises her eyebrows in amusement.

"You look beautiful, just beautiful." Marissa mumbles and I smile in response. "You aren't mine but I've always considered you my daughter too. I'm so glad that you are here and I can watch you be taken to prom."

"Thank you Marissa." I say, wrapping my arms around her. She hesitates, clearly in shock by my affection but I don't care. Almost dying made me realise that I need to appreciate the people that have always been there for me. "Thank you for everything."

She wipes her tears, clears her throat and leaves again. Brooke smirks.

"She's growing soft." Brooke retorts, resting her head against my shoulder. "And so are you."

"Shut up!" I say in defence, throwing a pillow in her direction but she just laughs. Cooper strolls in, looking dapper in a navy suit and he whistles at the both of us.

"Fucking beautiful, the both of you. If I wasn't gay and I didn't consider both of you my sisters, I'd be wanting to kiss you both right now." Cooper grins and I laugh. He extends both of his arms to us, leading us out into the hallway.

Before I descend down the stairs, Father and Lola stop me so Cooper leads Brooke downstairs alone. I hesitate awkwardly, staring at them both. Somehow my father looks so much lighter and happier these days. I don't know if it's because my mother is gone or because he is married to Lola or because I'm alive but whatever it is, I'm happy that he is happy.

"You look stunning." Lola squeals, wrapping her arms around me and I awkwardly hug her in return. She makes me twirl, complimenting me on every inch of my outfit. My father just stands beside her, a small smile on his face.

"I love you, daddy. I don't say that enough." I tell him. His eyes light up and I'm so afraid that he will start crying that I turn around to walk downstairs.

"I love you too, Rosie." He calls after me and I smile but don't turn around. I descend down the stairs, sliding my hand down the railing and look up. Will is waiting at the bottom for me, a look filled with admiration and love on his face. He looks so handsome in his suit that my heart speeds up and my chest tightens.

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