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When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups,
Singing, here's to never growing up."
-Here's to never growing up by Avril Lavigne

The rooms in the yacht are fancier than any hotel I've been in. The silk grey bedsheets, the fluffy pillows, the soft carpet and the open windows looking out at the sea. It is a beautiful room and must have cost thousands for Barnaby to furnish.

I lie back against my bed, already dressed and ready but I can't be bothered to move. I'm too much of a coward to face Will after nearly kissing him. Again. He is so confusing, it is unbearable. Brooke wouldn't stop talking about it once I had dragged her away but I finally got her to stop pestering me.

Lifting up my arm, I smile at the sight of my tan. My nose and face is a little burnt but the tan is worth it. Standing up, I stroll over to the mirror and stop abruptly. I look down at my waist and realise that I've lost weight again but I'm not surprised. Pressing my hand against my stomach, I frown. I barely have any fat here at all and I should be happy but it has the opposite effect.

"Rose! Are you coming out of your room at all today?" Brooke shrieks, making me drop my hand and snap up to where Brooke is standing in my doorway. She raises an eyebrow, oblivious to my horrible thoughts.

"I'm coming I'm coming." I mumble. I throw my kaftan over my head and place my sunglasses on before finally leaving the room. We walk up to the top deck to where everyone is sat lounging around. I avoid eye contact with Will but I do notice Sarah lounging on his lap. Why am I surprised?

Sitting beside Cooper, I lounge back against the sun bed and close my eyes. I've always preferred the outdoors to being inside. The feeling of the sun burning my skin and the rain dripping down is better than being under the covers.

"How did you sleep, Rose?" Sarah asks with fake sweetness in her tone as she glides her hand across Will'a chest. I frown. It's amusing to me that she thinks touching him and lying across him will make me angry. It just makes her look desperate.

"Perfectly fine, thanks." I reply nonchalantly. That wasn't the reaction she was hoping for. She wanted me to snap back but I give her a charming smile. Will remains looking at the sea. Cooper brings his coffee up to his mouth and I almost drool. "Is that coffee?"

"Do you want it?" Cooper grins in amusement and I nod eagerly but before he hands it over, a waiter comes out from nowhere. He is attractive, I have to admit. He is also looking at me with a hungry stare in his eyes that makes me cringe.

"I can just make you a new one, Miss Rose. Four sugars and milk, right?" He offers, a suggestive smirk on his face as if he is offering more than a coffee.

"It's fine, I can make my own coffee." I say shortly and barely give him another glance. He gets the hint and finally walks away. I'm in no mood to flirt with the waiter, even if I could have gotten my coffee.

"Fucking hell, how have you managed to get the waiter wrapped around your little finger?" Ben asks incredulously. I shrug. Will rolls his eyes and his expression hardens into a glare. What's got him so aggravated?

I pick up my phone and begin scrolling through my Instagram feed. I freeze as a picture of my mother comes up. She is sponsoring another charity that I follow. Her grin is big, her eyes bright, her white suit making her look smart. I wonder how I've never seen her on one of these before considering she has sponsored so many of the ones I do.

A Force Of Gravity✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora