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"In all the blood I lost with you, in drowns the love I thought I knew."
- My blood by Ellie Goulding

The wind blows against my face as I ride my motorbike to a clearing near the sea. Rose tightly clings on to my stomach, a small smile on her face. My motorbike gives me more of a trill than the alcohol does. My stomach flips and my heart drums in my chest, knowing that I could fall any minute.

We ride along the cliff side and Rose squeals in my ear at the long drop into the sea. I laugh but the sound is taken over by the wind and the motorbike. She looks to be in a better mood than before so I have succeeded already.

The night has fallen upon us so the entire sky is dark, apart from the stars that peak at us from behind the clouds. When we arrive at the clearing, I notice how the stars are much more clear here.

Rose immediately steps of the motorbike, takes off the helmet and smiles up at the sky. I knew she would love it here. Her face is alight with excitement but she also has a peaceful look on her face. As if she can finally relax.

Silently, we wander over to the middle of the clearing. I take off my jacket and place it on the floor for Rose to lie on. The air is so humid that I don't need it anyway. We lie against the grass, her arms inches away from touching mine and we look up.

"It is so quiet here." She whispers, her voice soft and calm. Her loose hair is fanned out against the grass but she doesn't seem to care that it is getting dirty. She is still wearing her cute cheerleaders outfit.

"I found this place a few weeks ago." I mutter to her. She tilts her head to look at me. "When things get too loud, I come out here."

"What if a serial killer comes out from the trees?" She teases, searching around and I smirk.

"I'm sure there isn't." I tell her quietly. Her phone buzzes, presumably her father but she throws it a few metres away from us. "You have to face her eventually."

"I know, but not tonight." She states. "It needs to be on my terms, not hers."

"My father is making me come with him to his meetings." I say abruptly and she frowns. I don't even know why I am telling her.

"Has he...?" She doesn't finish her question but I already know what she was going to ask. I shake my head and she breathes out in relief.

"I stood up to him before I left for boarding school." I tell her. "He was going to hit me over something but I stopped him and threatened to hit him back. He looked...scared. As if he finally realised that I had grown up to be stronger than him and I was willing to punch him back."

"He should never have started in the first place." She whispers. I agree. I remember being so shocked the first time he came into the kitchen and punched me for being rude to him. I also remember watching a film and he was in such a bad mood that he used me as a punching bag. For no reason other than I was there.

"Do you ever think about George Johnson?" I ask, although I'm afraid of the answer. She frowns. We never talk about him.

"Of course not." She states. "He may have been nice at the beginning but he turned so controlling. We never dated but he had a weird obsession with me. I was shocked when I found out he died, though. I didn't even know he was into drugs."

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