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-Rose- Present-

"For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me."
-If I could fly by One Direction

"You're not eating again." Marissa comments as I move the piece of bacon around my plate. Cooper had gone to school early, something about a meeting with the coach. Marissa stands in front of me, hands on her hips and is glaring at me.

"Why is everyone so concerned with my fucking eating? I don't question someone every time they aren't hungry." I rant grumpily, pushing my plate away. Her eyes darken.

"Watch your tone, young lady." She snaps and I sigh heavily, placing my chin on my hand. The door opens and I'm surprised to see Mother walking in as if she owns the place, sunglasses covering her eyes. I turn to face her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously and she gives me her dazzling smile. Marissa scowls in frustration.

"I just came to drop off this prom dress I got you." She tells me excitedly, passing me a massive white box. My lips part in surprise and I move the lid off the box carefully to reveal a pale pink dress. "You will have to lose a few pounds to fit into it though so I wouldn't eat that."

"Are you referring to the healthy, nutritious
food that I've made for your daughter? Because then you're wrong and she should definitely eat it." Marissa snaps, pushing the plate back to me. Marissa and Mother lock eyes and stare each other down. I forget that they knew each other before she left.

"Not if this healthy, nutritious food makes her look like you." Mother drags her eyes down Marissa's body, openly judging her. A protective anger grows in me and I glare at my mother.

"Mother, don't speak to her like that." I snap angrily, my voice quiet and calm. Mother raises her eyebrows in surprised, shocked that I'm taking Marissa's side.

"It's okay Rose, I've learned not to listen to insults from people that abandon their children." Marissa remarks and I almost laugh at the look on my mother's face.

"How dare you..." Mother begins to shout angrily but Father appears from nowhere, sauntering in the kitchen. He pauses once he sees my mother.

"Get out of my house, Hanna and stop hassling Marissa." He snaps, walking around the kitchen to grab an apple. Mother frowns.

"Thank you for the dress but I was going to go shopping for my prom dress with Brooke." I say, irritation clear in my voice.

"Now you don't have to." She shrugs and pecks me on the head before I can cringe away. She turns around to leave. "See you later."

"I've got to go to school." I mumble quietly, standing up without taking a bite of breakfast. Lola comes to stand in front of me with a frown.

"We will take the dress back to the store and we can return it for a dress that you choose out. It's your prom." She tells me softly, giving me a tight smile. Lola is clearly feeling protective and angry because of the fierce look in her eyes.

"Thank you." I smile softly at all of them before leaving.


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