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-Rose- Present-

"We're like diamonds in the sky
You're a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I'm alive."
-Diamonds by Rhianna

Lying back, I look up at the morning sky. Birds are chirping loudly and at first it was peaceful but now it is growing annoying. The blanket is very thin and I'm certain I've got numerous bites all over me. But I can't help but feel content.

"I don't think I will ever get used to this." Will whispers into my hair, pressing his lips to my temple. I automatically smile, turning to lie on him but I cringe at the pain.

"I don't think I can fucking move." I groan as pain is burning my lower half due to the events of last night. Waking up this morning, I almost forgot as I was in a daze. Then the pain started and although I was filled with happy flashbacks of last night, I also realised I couldn't move.

"Does it hurt?" Will asks softly, his eyebrows pinched together with concern. I lift my head up to look at him. I smile at his ruffled bed hair but somehow he still looks perfect.

"It hurts less than I thought it would." I admit, shrugging my shoulders. The amount of horror stories I've heard about girls losing their virginity terrified me but it isn't as bad as others claim. The pain is more uncomfortable than agony. I guess everyone is different. "The sunset is really pretty."

It's pretty early in the morning and so the sky is filled with an array of different colours. A swirl of pinks and blues and oranges and purples and yellows. I've never been here in the day and looking around, I notice the flowers growing everywhere.

"Your hair looks like a birds nest." He teases, a lazy smirk on his face and I laugh. "I think you're the only person I've ever seen that has hot sex hair."

"Shit, I would love to stay here all day but I have to meet my estranged mother." I tell him, pouting at the time on my phone. I almost forgot. Will frowns in dismay.

"Are you nervous?" He asks curiously and I pause. I've already seen her a few times since she came back so I hope it isn't going to be as terrible this time. Plus, this meeting is on my terms, not hers.

"I don't know how to feel about it. I have to give her a chance, right?" I protest, biting my lip. He pulls his messy hair back, glancing up at the sky.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Will asks, raising an eyebrow at me. His chest is left bare so that he is showing off his built muscles. His arm is tucked underneath his head so that his arm muscles are clenched.

"Come on." I tell him before we both struggle to stand up.


I can still feel him between my legs, although we aren't even touching. His fingers in my hair, his lips capturing mine and his wet kisses being spread all over my body. My legs are pressed shut, mostly because of the pain and also because of the throbbing that looking at Will causes.

His eyes are fixated on the road ahead and his hand is squeezed around the wheel. Both of us are dressed in the same clothes as yesterday and my dress feels a lot more uncomfortable in the day light. Will, however, still looks attractive as fuck.

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