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-Rose- Present-

"I'm trying but I keep falling down"
-Helium by Sia

Cooper and I take my Audi because Cooper broke his arm in a skiing accident a few weeks ago so I've had to act as a chauffeur. I don't mind. Cooper would do the same for me.

His arm hangs in a sling so he only has one arm in his blazer and the other is loose. I drive us to school, choosing the root so that I can appreciate the beach for a little bit. Riverbrook is a seaside town with a big pier that has numerous rides and shops all along it. It is a big hit for tourists.

I park in my usual spot and clamber out of the car before going around the other side to help Cooper with his bag as he struggles to carry it due to his arm. I carry my own hand bag which is way overpriced for such a small, simple white bag. But my father can afford it so I bought it just to piss him off.

"Is there any part of you that feels like ditching?" Cooper whispers in a hush tone as we walk over to the mass of students hanging around outside the entrance. A few turn to make an effort of smiling or saying hello as Cooper and I are pretty well known. Which is an understatement.

"I would love to but my attendance is getting worse and worse and my father isn't going to be happy." I grumble and he sighs heavily. Cooper can get away with anything considering he isn't my father's son but although my father is absent, he hates me doing anything that will embarrass him or "tarnish the family name."

"I doubt you'd ditch anyway. You're too much of a good boy for that." I tease, ignoring our classmates who act as if I'm some sort of a celebrity. I don't mind it. I love the attention but not this early in the morning.

"Well I'm sorry, Ice Queen but some of us have to work at being smart. It doesn't just come to us all naturally." Cooper responds with a cheeky grin and I roll my eyes. I guess I'm just lucky that I'm naturally smart and passing all my classes with flying colours without trying.

The nickname Ice Queen is a ridiculous nickname. People call me it because I'm one of the most popular people in this too small of a town and people always talk about how I lack emotion. At first it offended me but now I don't care. People are stupid.

People may think I lack emotion and don't care about anything but they don't realise that I actually have too many emotions. I care too much about wanting those A's in classes.
I care too much about the attention from others. I care too much if a guy makes a comment about how hot I am. I care too much if a girl calls me too skinny or too fat. I care too much that my father is never home and my mum had left me. I care too much that Will...no, I refuse to think about Will.

I'm about to respond when I spot my usual group of friends huddled together. The only people I really care about are Brooke, Ben and Cooper but I don't mind the others. Sarah is a spiteful bitch but I guess I am too so I can't judge her for that. She only frustrates me because she has no respect for herself and sleeps with everyone in our school, no matter how old.

Josephine, Josie, is Sarah's best friend. She is sweeter but is someone who follows Sarah around like a lost puppy so she doesn't really have her own personality. Daniel is way to self absorbed and he hits on me all the time. To be honest, I've made out with him at several parties but declined every offer of a date. Then there's Billy.

"Please get me away from them. I've been here five minutes and I already want to ditch them." Brooke whispers to me and I smirk in response. Brooke is way too feisty for her own good and gets irritated even more easily than me.

"Just hold on a little longer and then we have class." I tell her reassuringly but she rolls her eyes as Sarah gushes about how amazing her weekend away in the Maldives is. The problem with our group is that all of us are rich, conceited teenagers. Some of us are more considerate to those less fortunate, whereas others aren't so much.

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