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"No matter what they say or do
I don't want nothing more
Our love is untouchable."
-Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kodrov

I'm surprised at myself for being dressed in uniform and ready for school at the right time. Perhaps it is due to Rose's irritating, constant messages that she has been sending me, reminding me to wake up.

I jog downstairs, make myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the kitchen counter. Mother has been absent again for the past few days. I have no idea what is going on with my parents and I don't care, but I can tell whatever it is has put a strain on their relationship.

Father is always walking around with a deeper scowl on his face than usual. I try to stay out of his way, hanging out at Rose's or Ben's until after he has fallen asleep. But this morning, I must have the worst luck because as I'm about to walk out the front door, Father stops me.

"Are you going to school or are you going to ditch again?" He growls, causing me to raise my eyebrows. I glance down to my uniform, thinking it would be obvious that I'm going to school.

"Of course I'm ditching, which is why I'm wearing my uniform." I tell him sarcastically and his eyes darken. I turn to push past him but he doesn't let me.

"Come back, right now." Father orders. The tone of his voice makes me turn around, eyebrows raised. "Your grades are low, college is right around the corner and yet I never see you going to school!"

"That sounds like your problem, not mine." I roll my eyes, not in the mood for a lecture and try to walk back out. He doesn't let me.

"William, you can't keep acting so irresponsible." He shouts angrily in frustration. I am growing more and more irritated by the minute.

"School is ending in a few weeks, no one cares what we do now." I tell him nonchalantly. We never do any tests or exams or anything anymore and honestly there's no point in me attending. But I know Rose would be angry with me if I don't and staying home isn't worth facing her wrath.

"I care. You will also be coming with me to the work meetings." He demands and I almost smirk.

"No, I won't." I say casually, his eyes darken again and his jaw clenches.

"What do you mean no?" He snaps, edging closer to me but I don't cower. I haven't been afraid of this man for a long time. He isn't the big scary person that I thought he was when I was younger, he's just a pathetic old coward that beats up his own son.

"Rose knows, I told her and so you have nothing to hold over my head anymore. Now leave me alone." I grumble, attempting to push past him again. He pushes against my chest, shoving me against the wall with a wicked expression.

"I have had enough of you disrespecting me in my own house!" He screams and he punches me before I can react. Pain shoots through my head and then I'm suddenly alert. I scowl. "You bastard..."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I scream, pushing him back and punch him in the stomach twice. I kick him over so that he falls back on his back, lying against the floor and looks up at me with a murderous expression. "This is pathetic. You forget that I'm bigger than you now and you can no longer touch me without me beating the shit out of you."

A Force Of Gravity✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt