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"All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game."
-Arcade by Duncan Lawerence

"We need to go over the finance situation. We can't keep spending money as quickly as we are." Brooke's father, Billy, comments from his side of the table. He scratches his beard, his forehead pinches together in deep concentration.

I'm surrounded by my father and the father's of my friends. My father sits beside me, Rose's father beside him and Brooke's and Ben's father sits opposite us. So far, all they have done is disagree about politics and how to run the company.

The meeting room is large and is immaculately designed. A tall bookcase is against one wall, ceiling to floor windows on the others and a large mahogany table in the centre. I remember coming here when I was younger and my father used to try and persuade me that this is my future. A future that I don't want.

"We need these galas for charities otherwise our reputation will be shit. Our business will be known for being run by the assholes that never gave their money to charity." Edward grumbles. He is the only one that still looks put together after two hours, dressed in a navy suit. The others look like they're hungover.

"It's not like anyone holds these charities for the greater good." Father pipes up and the others grin in amusement, apart from Edward.

"What about cutting back on staff?" Barnaby suggests but my father scoffs loudly in disapproval. I sigh heavily. Here we go again.

"Great fucking idea Barnaby, are you volunteering to be sacked? I think we could arrange that." Father smirks evilly and Barnaby glares at him in return. Edward rolls his eyes and Billy looks outside blankly.

"I was actually suggesting you." Barnaby bites back, his fists clenching. I didn't realise how much of a temper he had until today.

"How about you..." Father begins arguing but Edward raises his hand and slams it down on the table. I suppress the urge to smirk.

"Enough. You two are acting like children, which isn't a very good example for William." Edward adds, causing all four sets of eyes to turn to me. Barnaby frowns. I suddenly feel like I'm a toddler again.

They return back to normal, reading off an extremely long and extremely boring list of things wrong with their business. There's the occasional moment when I feel the urge to fall asleep but I resist it. I discreetly slip out my phone and message Rose under the table.

Will: Tell me something interesting

I wait a few moments, glancing up to make sure that no one is taking notice of me being oblivious to the conversation. Then she replies.

Rose: It takes millions of years for a star's light to reach our eyes, meaning when we stargaze we are seeing stars from a long time ago. Some of these stars have already burned up or exploded into supernova, meaning some of the stars we see are not even there anymore.

I suppress the urge to smile.

Will: That's depressing

Rose: You never specified if you wanted a happy or sad fact. Is the meeting that bad?"

I sigh heavily, suddenly getting the overwhelming urge of wishing I was with her instead.

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