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-Rose- Present-

"If you're not the one for me
Then how come I can bring you to your knees?"
-Water under the Bridge by Adele

My head aches and I can't move for a few minutes. Brooke and I had a sleep over last night, something we rarely do. Instead of doing the usual girly shit, we got drunk and passed out before ten.

I roll over and end up falling off Brooke's bed. I groan loudly at the pain searing through my head and try to sit up. The sun streams through Brooke's open curtains and it takes a few seconds to peel my eyes open. Tilting my head, I look at Brooke as she starts waking up and groans.

I stand up, massaging my temples. Brooke peeks one eye open to look at me.

"You look like shit." She grumbles and I glare at her in response.

"Good morning to you too." I say. Her red hair is a tangled mess and her eye makeup is streaked across her face from the night before. I'm glad that even drunk, I wiped my makeup off. "You don't look much better."

"I'm serious, go shower and go home." Brooke orders and I roll my eyes. I catch myself in the mirror and cringe, agreeing with her. My hair is a tangled mess and I have dark circles under my eyes.

"You are such a bitch." Reaching out, I brush my hair until it is straight again.

"Why do you sound shocked?" Brooke grumbles and I chuckle lightly. I throw on a black shirt and denim skirt as I am too hot in my hoodie.

"That's true. Goodbye, you slut." I say, throwing her a smirk and she sticks her middle finger up at me. Her eyes are still shut.

"Fuck off and get out my house." She shouts after me and I leave. Brooke and I aren't morning people so usually after sleepovers, we kick the other person out. Which is why I'm leaving her house so early.

"Hope to see you back here soon, Rose." Kate tells me, a big smile on her face as I pass her in the hallway. She is wearing a white dress and looks very model like.

"Thanks, Kate." I mumble, not even bothering to cover up the fact that I'm hungover. I give her a forced smile before leaving.


The day passes by quickly and I spend it mostly showering, watching Grey's Anatomy and scrolling through social media. The hangover wears off around lunch time so thankfully I don't suffer. Silence fills the house considering no one is home apart from Marissa and I but it is eleven at night.

Then the door bell rings. I don't take much notice, knowing Marissa will most likely answer. In the distance, the door opens and I hear shouting. I immediately jump up and fling the duvet off of me and rush to see what the commotion is about.

I freeze when I spot my mother and Thomas standing in the doorway. Mother is wearing a tiny black skirt, a blouse and her brown hair is tied back. Marissa is trying to push them out and I debate escaping back to my room. But mother looks up and sees me before I can.

"Hello Rose." She speaks softly but her eyes are cold. Marissa turns to look at me, silently asking whether she should let them in or not. I have to face her at some point.

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