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"It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that."
-If I were a Boy by Beyoncé

The trip to see mother was hopeless. Will and I came back the next day but thankfully he didn't bring it up. That's one of the only good things about him. He doesn't try to get me to talk about how I'm feeling or what happened. I just want to pretend this weekend never happened.

I flip over my bacon that Marissa cooked me, feeling too sick to eat. Cooper sits beside me and he keeps asking me where I went on the weekend. I lied. I'm too embarrassed to admit I tracked down my mother just so that I could run away from her. I'm a pathetic coward.

"Rose, I've given up trying to feed you. At least have a few bites." Marissa sighs heavily and I pull a face at it. Slowly, I lift the bacon up to my mouth and take a bite so that she smiles.

"I get to take my cast off this weekend so I can get back to the football field." Cooper grins.

"Don't you have to have physio or something before you start playing sport? You're just going to damage it even more." I take another few bites of my bacon before pushing the plate away again.

"I will be fine. Can I eat that?" Cooper asks and I gesture for him to have at it. He grabs my plate and starts shoving it into his mouth, making me cringe.

"Do you want me to do your hair for you?" Marissa cleans the surface tops in front of us and I shake my head. She hasn't asked what happened but I expect that she can guess it didn't go well. I've been in a terrible mood all week.

"No thanks, I'm going to just leave it down. We should probably leave otherwise we are going to be late." I stand up and Cooper nods. He has a mouthful of bacon but he stands up. We say goodbye to Marissa and head out the door and into my car.

"I feel like the uniform gets itchier and itchier every day." Cooper complains and I nod in agreement.

"It is unflattering too. I can't wait to leave for college so I can wear whatever we want." I remark.

"Have you thought about college yet?" Cooper asks but I shake my head. Cooper has wanted to go to the University of Notre Dame since he could walk. His parents used to buy him t-shirts and football caps with the logo on, every birthday and every Christmas. Since his parents died, he has only had more motivation to get there.

I, on the other hand, have no idea. I've never spoken to my father about what he wants for my future and I don't know what I want. I'm smart and rich enough to get into any college I want but when I think of my future, I come up blank.

"I have no idea." I mumble quietly and Cooper frowns. "I don't want to stay here for college, that's for certain. If I have to spend another year in this town, I might go mad."

"You still have a few months to think about it so don't worry about it." Cooper reassures but I have to get my applications in soon otherwise it will be too late.

We arrive at school and I park up my car in my usual spot. I climb out, grab my bag and walk with Cooper to our friends. They stand or sit on the steps, looking around like the snobby, privileged kids we are.

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