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"Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home."
- Home by Phillips Phillips

"You're going to end up burning." Cooper exclaims as he throws the sun tan lotion at Rose. She barely catches it. The five of us have come down to a private beach that people rarely come to. I lie beside Rose and Ben. Rose is so fucking distracting in a white bikini.

The two of us have been sneaking kisses in whenever no one is looking. Being secretive is much more fun. Our friends haven't said anything if they have picked up on the tension between us. We argue and shout in front of them and then kiss when we are alone. It has been very...interesting so far.

"Do you ever think about what you would want your funeral to look like?" Ben asks curiously and I scoff. Here we are, lying on a beach under the sun and he is talking about funerals.

"Do you have to be so morbid?" Brooke complains and nudges Ben with her arm. I lean up on my elbows.

"What? It is like a film I watched once when they faked their death so that they could watch their funeral." Ben tells us but Brooke frowns.

"I bet it is a good way to see who truly misses you." Rose says casually. She has her sunglasses covering her eyes and her hair is tied in a ponytail.

"All of you are being ridiculous." Brooke exclaims in frustration, glaring at us. She folds her arms and pouts like she used to do. I've never known someone to sulk so much in my life whenever they don't get their own way. Even Rose isn't that bad.

"I'd have white flowers, everyone would be miserable and it would last weeks and weeks because everyone is so sad." Cooper pipes up, making us all laugh apart from Brooke.

"I'm sure all your hook ups will be there too." I comment, making him wink at me.

"Hell yeah, they get front row seats. They will cry so hard that they will cause a flood." He claims proudly although I know he would rather Caspian be sat at the front. They've been going on dates all week.

"Yes because I'm sure that is physically possible." Ben teases sarcastically and tilts his head up to the sun. Waves crash against the rocks nearby.

"I'd want to be cremated and my ashes to be spread into the sea." Brooke says, a big smile on her face. She has clearly given up trying to stop us from talking about it, although I agree that it is very morbid.

"Ew, what happens when people swim in them?" Rose cringes, making Cooper laugh loudly. I've never known someone to hate the sea as much as her. The most she will do is stick her feet in it. I remember she fell off the boat when we were eleven and she freaked out, claiming she couldn't swim. I was forced to dive in after her, just because she was being dramatic.

"People pee in the sea all the time, I'm sure a few ashes will be fine." Cooper tells her nonchalantly and I've never seen Rose widen her eyes so much in disgust. I smirk in amusement.

"That is disgusting. I'm never going into the sea again." Ben claims in horror but Brooke shrugs it off.

"Now you understand why I hate it so much." Rose shouts in frustration. Brooke rolls her eyes.

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