bitch fight and horrific injuries

22 1 0

Hakus pov
I woke up with an empty bed I quickly sat up looking around the room panicking, I looked near the bedroom door that leads to the hall. I saw that ravens skull is still there “that’s weird she never takes it off until before bed" I thought as I heard a blood curdling scream coming from outside. I ran straight outside on the balcony and i spotted raven and chihiro fighting “OH MY GOD. RAVEN HANG ON LOVE IM COMING" I done a battle cry at the top of my lungs as I quickly put my dragon skull on my face turning into my dragon form, flying straight out the window roaring very very loudly making the whole place vibrate “YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL” I shouted and roared in chihiro’s face as she grips on ravens hair, ripping chunk after chunk as raven digs her nails in chihiro's skin.

I immediately dragged chihiro off of raven by using my tail, I struggled so bad that lin comes running up immediately helping me ripping the girls off of each others grip “GIRLS THATS ENOUGH. HAKU WHATS GOING ON" lin grabs chihiro by the back of her uniform, ripping her off of ravens hair and I grab raven with my front paws “I DON’T KNOW, ALL I HEARD WAS SCREAMING AND I JUST SAW CHIHIRO RIPPING RAVENS HAIR OUT AND HITTING HER, AND RAVEN DIGGING HER CLAWS INTO CHIHIRO’S SKIN" I said as I looked at chihiro in the eyes as she opens her eyes unexpectedly, raven turns to her dragon form. she gets her claws and scratched chihiro’s eye, making it bleed and chihiro screams while pressing her eye with one hand and gripping ravens mane with the other and as chihiro looks at me she let’s go immediately. making lin land on her bottom keeping a good firm grip on chihiro by pinning her down on the ground “RIGHT WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL IS GOING ON HERE” I growled at chihiro as I turned into my human form while I gave her a very angry intimidating look while i stood in front of raven keeping her shielded from behind and I felt raven gripping onto my kimono, shaking and crying “I’ll explain” raven said while sobbing.

“what happened” I turned around and kneeled in front of raven still holding onto me “I was doing my usual duties. you were asleep so I didn’t want to wake you up, and I was in the middle of helping one of the workers out. chihiro started telling me 'oh haku hates you and he loves me' I ignored her as I was busy plus she was just wanting to wind me up just to get a reaction out of me. and then she just unexpectedly started threatening me by saying I’m going to beat you up if you don’t break up with him and she pinned me up against the wall, started punching me and I legged it outside trying to get away. I was in my semi dragon form so as soon as i went to run up into the tree to hide, chihiro grabbed my tail and dragged me off and that’s when she started ripping my hair out and some of my tail fur. and that’s when I started to dig my claws in as I was ripping her skin apart whilst trying to pry her off me" raven grips my kimono very tightly while hugging me feeling terrified while nuzzling her face against my chest burying her head in the crook of my neck as she turns into her semi dragon form.
For what I heard, My blood began to boil in rage as ravens sobs and cries just breaks my heart. I hate seeing her feel so upset, lin notices as I saw lin pinning chihiro down in the corner of my eye hearing her struggling while shouting “IM GONNA GET YOU LIZARD" chihiro lunges towards to raven trying to get to her. Lin keeps a firm grip so chihiro wouldn’t attack raven for the 2nd time. I tried to keep calm but anger gets the better of me “lin" I said through gritted teeth as my back was facing lin and she looks at me as she knew what she heard from raven “yes haku" she said sounded worried while pinning chihiro down with her hands behind her back “make chihiro stand up" i look at lin in the corner of my eye as she drags chihiro up on her feet “GET UP YOU NASTY LITTLE GIRL" lin said through gritted teeth as she saw ravens injuries.

trying to hold back the nausea feeling “you might want to look away. the both of you's. I don’t want any of you's to see what I’m about to do as it’ll be disturbing” I said to raven and lin while looking at them, turning my head side to side as they shut their eyes “I’m going to teach her a lesson” I whispered in ravens ear as i kiss her forehead reassuringly she eventually let’s me go to do the punishment.
I stood up and turn to face chihiro's bloody face as raven scratched her eye, the blood comes dripping down chihiro’s face. she deserved for what raven did to her which I’m very proud of as she struggled. Chihiro looks up at me realizing what she did wrong “you don’t deserve to come here look what you did to my girl” I made chihiro look at the state of ravens injuries by grabbing her head forcing her to look at ravens wounds. Ravens injuries was that bad it made chihiro’s stomach turn as she starts to gag.
I let go of chihiro’s face and I gave chihiro a smack in one swift hit across the cheek with the back of my hand. the loud smack made lin and raven flinch and jump at the same time as there was a red mark on chihiro’s cheek, leaving some blood on my hand from the bloody eye “my girlfriend Is now going to be terrified of everything because of you. The reason why she scratched your eye was because you wouldn’t let her go and leave her alone, that’s why as soon as you saw me you froze. she got the chance to do that to forcefully let her go as she was in so much pain” I spat as chihiro flinches in fear “you should be scared of me because I get my own back you see. and also raven got her own back. constantly being nasty and disrespectful towards her and also towards me" I said through gritted teeth.

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