ghostly dragons scaring chihiro

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Hakus pov
A month flew by fast since chihiro tried attacking raven again, we've now had no choice but for me to keep raven with me at all times and have lin to be with chihiro at all times so chihiro wouldn't go wondering off in the bathhouse looking for raven "this is getting ridiculous now" lin says as she keeps chihiro away from me and raven by body blocking her "I know. when will this ever stop" raven said "i dont know darling it's just a waiting game" I said while kissing ravens forehead as shes in her semi dragon form holding onto me "here I'll turn into my dragon form to make it easier" I turn into my dragon form as raven climbs up on my back, wrapping her tail around my neck and putting her hands on my horns "does yubaba know what's going on" lin questions "yeah we told her and she Is aware" raven replies "good" said lin as chihiro starts giving me and raven death glares "glare at me like that one more time we'll be dragging you to yubaba" I growled giving her a warning "I dont care do whatever you want haku" chihiro scoffs "this is getting boring now chihiro. Constantly playing with your little game. we just want some peace" raven snaps as she left chihiro to become shocked "there now she got the message" said lin "I'm not done with you" chihiro spat "oh really. Well all of us are getting fed up of your stinking attitude. get that message in your skull chihiro, I'm Happy and I've moved on and I think you should too because getting with me isnt going to work, and that's gonna be impossible because nothing can tear me and raven apart, we're stuck together like glue" I explained as I raised my head up and walking away from lin and chihiro "where are you going. H- haku" i stopped walking as chihiro stuttered holding in a sob as we heard one slipping out "somewhere. alone" I said starting to walk again with raven clinging on my back feeling exhausted as she was laying flat on my back snuggling into my fur "BUSH BABY" chihiro shouted making raven to growl "grow up act your age. Its dragon idiot. Just because I have a pretty white fluffy tail and a fluffy white dragon body, doesnt mean you can call me a bush baby or a sugar glider. Yes I fly and no I dont glide and no I dont have wings. I'm a Japanese water dragon" raven snapped as she gave chihiro the finger "GOOD ON YA GIRL IM SO PROUD" lin cheered making raven smile "thanks lin" I look at raven in the corner of my eye as she makes a love heart with her fingers at lin and raven flopped her head back down between my horns.

"That comeback was great" I said "well she deserved it" raven said as she ruffles behind my ears "I want to do something that'll really make chihiro think twice before coming near us" raven breaks the silence "hmm" I purred "we will scare her that bad she'll struggle to sleep and work" I smirked "fabulous idea, looks like we are going to be getting our own back" I said "now we need to think of what chihiro is scared of" i stop in the middle of a grassy area as raven gets off my back and sits next to me "I know a few things" I said "go on" raven smiled "she hates yubaba right" I said "yes shes scared to death of her" raven said "and shes not too keen on yubird" I turn into my human form whilst I wrap my arms around ravens body cuddling her "wait I thought yubird is like a fly" raven questioned feeling confused "zeniba turned yubird back to normal" I said "ah yeah I remember" she said "I have a few toys and stuff we can use to make them come alive" I smiled as raven explains "Brilliant. Love it love it love it I absolutely love it" I pick raven up in my arms standing up and spinning in a circle "let's get to work. And haku" I calm myself down as I look at raven in her eyes "yes my love" i smiled whilst putting raven down on the ground as she brushes the fluffy end of her tail under my chin making my dragon instincts to kick in as I flopped on the ground with a thud "you coming" I sat my head up quickly as I stood up running towards raven.

When we got back to the bathhouse, me and raven are in chihiro's room since all the workers are working, me and raven got straight to work. I started working on putting some string on a few objects and old toys "remember not to put the string on all of em as we are going to be using our magic as well" raven pointed out "right" I nodded as I managed to tie some string on a chair "this string is so thin you cant see it" I said "its supposed to how will she know that its there" raven said as she tied some string to a few books on the bookshelf
"Hey look what I found" I pulled out a box full of old Halloween decorations, opening the box revealing a fake zombie head "that'll work" raven smirks as she turns into her dragon form and gets a thick piece of rope and attached it to the ceiling "right when everyone goes to bed. We'll stay up here, hidden since chihiro wouldn't be able to see us when shes about to go to sleep. I'll slowly lower the zombie head down until she wakes up" raven explains as she shows me "that's great but save that for last" I said "great" raven ties a knot to the ceiling so the head will stay in its position "shall we sing a song obviously its gonna be creepy" raven pointed out "go on then" I smiled.

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