animals vs dragons

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Hakus pov
It's been a few days since yubaba gave Aiden a punishment "I need you both to keep an eye on that fire dragon in case if he is up to something" yubaba explained "where is he at the moment?" I questioned as raven is on my back and her head is resting on my shoulder "hes outside near the pig pen. Cleaning out the whole place" she said "right we're on our way" I said as I walked out of yubabas office and head down to the ground floor.

When we got to the ground floor, the lift doors opened and I walk out of there "good morning master haku and mistress raven" a few workers greeted us "good morning" me and raven said at the same time as we bowed slightly and I continued walking. As we got outside, it was so hot that raven refused to get off my back "how hot is the ground?" Raven asked as I kneeled down and touched the ground. Causing my hand to burn "very hot you'll be staying on my back until we get in the shade or on the grass" I explained as I stood up and head towards the pig pen.

Once we got to the pig pen, we both saw Aiden trying to clean out one of the pens but having one of the pigs interfering wasnt helping "come on move" aiden huffed as he grabbed the pig and it squealed and squirmed "piggy in the middle" raven speaks to me telepathically as I held in my laugh "but which one is the pig?" I replied as raven smirked "the one that Is squealing" I smirked "mucking out the pig pens?" I said as Aiden stands up and looks at us "yeah. I'm trying to move this pig out of the way but hes not for moving" aiden said as I walked towards the pig and grabbed it and moved it to the other pigs "there done" I sighed as aidens Jaw dropped "that was simple" he said "that's all you needed to do" raven says as I took my kimono off since it was extremely sunny and hot "why does she have to stay on your back?" Aiden questioned me "because the ground is too hot for her to walk on. it'll burn her paws" I said bluntly "cant she change into her semi dragon form".

I started to get annoyed slightly "if she feels like it" I said calmly as raven licks under my jaw as she struggled to stay on my back "come here" I walked to the nearest patch of grass as I made sure it wasn't too hot for raven "since your struggling to stay on my back due to me sweating I'll keep you in my arms" I explained as raven gets off my back and i grabbed her and I put one of my arms under her as she puts her paws on my arm and rests her head against my chest as she wriggles her back paws freely "that's better" I said as I saw Aiden watching us "back to work flame boy" I gave Aiden a serious look as he goes back to mucking out the pig pen.

A few hours passed, the pig pen was clean and the pigs were back in their pens "now follow me" i picked up my kimono as aiden followed me while I walked towards the chicken coop "why are we here?" Aiden crosses his arms feeling fed up "yubaba wants you to clean the chicken coop out, check to see if theres eggs and feed them" I explained as we let Aiden get to work "why ain't you helping" aiden whined "because we are here to keep an eye on you and yubaba wants you to do that on your own" raven snapped as Aiden growled "I dont want to do this".

I heard aiden complain "tough. You caused some trouble now you face the punishment. Just get to work and CLEAN, FEED AND GRAB THE EGGS IDIOT" I walked away from Aiden as me and raven sat under a shady tree "now we wait" I said while putting my folded up kimono beside me on the grass and taking out a small parcel of onigiri for me and raven to snack on "here" I gave raven a onigiri and she glady took it out of my hands and started munching on it. While we were having lunch, we heard a very loud cockadoodle doo and panicking "ugh what is going on" I sighed as I stood up with raven still in my arms and I walked towards the chicken coop.

We saw Aiden running away as the cockerel was chasing him away from the nest "chicken run" I joked as me and raven laughed. 5 minutes later, aiden came back with scratches all over his arms, face and his chest since he wasnt wearing his uniform as it left him just in his shorts and shoes "he got you then?" I smirked as the cockerel saw me and jumped out of aidens hands "yeah nearly got my eyes" aiden said as I kneeled down slightly and I stroked the cockerel with my free hand "good job" I said as the cockerel headed into the coop "did you get the eggs?" Raven questioned "I was going to but your stupid cockerel decided to attack me" Aiden scoffed "he was being territorial looks like none of the animals like you either" I explained "but they only like you two" said aiden "that's because they're not used to you they're only used to us" I said as it started to get a bit cooler "I'll get the eggs" I put raven down on the ground since the floor wouldn't burn her paws and she turns into her semi dragon form.

Raven goes into the coop and gets the eggs easily, she came back out with two handfuls of eggs "piece of piss" I gave Aiden a smug look as raven puts the eggs in the basket "what now?" Aiden questioned "we need to head back and you need to go back to the baths and clean before the customers arrive since it's getting dark" I said as I grabbed my kimono from the tree and I put it on and then we walked back to the bathhouse.

When we got back, me and raven went one way as Aiden went the other way. While we were walking, we saw lin and sen "hey I heard what was going on with the pig pen" lin smirked "yeah and also the cockerel was chasing after aiden. looks like the animals hate him" raven explained as I laughed "well that's what he gets for messing about" said sen as the two girls went back to work and me and raven headed to the top floor. Whilst me and raven were in the lift, it was silent "todays been fun" I break the silence "yeah it was. that chase was hilarious the way Aiden ran away" raven giggled as I smiled "yep. The cockeral was doing his job" I said as we reached to the top floor.

Raven turns into her dragon form while we were walking towards our room. As we got there, we went in and it was warm but not too warm "hopefully that'll teach him a lesson" she said while I picked her up and sat down on the bed. Laying down while cuddling into her. She let out a little squeak as she turns around so she was on top of me and then started to squish me with her body "fluffy girly" I said as raven licks my face so I turned into my dragon form.

Wrapping my paws around her as we were playing by nipping each others toes and ears. We let out a playful growl as we were mouthing with our jaws. After a good 10 minutes, we stopped playing so we can catch our breaths "fancy chasing after each other?" Raven suggested "maybe tomorrow hmm" I said as we both layed our heads down and snuggled into each other with our tails intertwined into a spiral as we both fell asleep.

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