having fun/ gentle flight

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Hakus pov
It was late morning, I was in the middle of trying to eat my breakfast as raven was still asleep in her dragon form. She was laying flat on her back against my chest as her head is just under my chin, she had her back paws in the air as her front ones are stretched out, almost hitting the side of my face "looks like I'm stuck here for a while. Again" I thought to myself as I sighed whilst i went to take a bite out of a steamed bun. The smell woke raven up "good morning gorgeous" I smiled as raven slowly rolls on her front and rubs her eyes with her paws "morning love" raven replied as she rubs the side of her face on the side of my cheek and she buries her head under my neck letting out a gentle loud growl "aww morning cuddles" I put my half eaten steamed bun on the side and i wrapped my arms around raven as i cuddled her.

Whilst we were having a cuddle, a faint knock was heard "come in" i said as we saw lin and Sen at the doorway "someones having a lay in" lin teased "so. Why not ain't we allowed" I said "well I dont know" lin gives me a smug look on her face "I'll take it as a yes we are allowed since me and raven own the bathhouse but it doesnt give an excuse for anyone to slack off and do they're own thing" I explained as raven sat her head up and looks at me. I look at her and gave her a few kisses on her muzzle and her face until I decided to boop ravens nose with my finger, causing her to squeak and rub her nose with her paws "that's the cutest thing I ever seen" sen squealed "I do it all the time" I said as raven licks under my chin "aw I love you too beautiful" I smiled while I stroked behind ravens ears making her purr and she puts her paws on my forearm stopping me from moving my hands away from her "I brought breakfast" said lin as ravens ears perked up "talking of food. The smell of my own breakfast woke her up" I explained as I gave raven her breakfast which was the same as mine and she happily started munching on the steamed bun "oh. yubaba wants to see yous once your finished with your breakfast" said lin "right" I said as lin and sen left my and ravens room.

After breakfast, me and raven headed towards yubabas office. Whilst I was walking, raven didnt want to walk since she felt lazy so shes happily chilled on my back "you comfy on my back" I chuckled as raven rests her head on my shoulder "yep" raven growled calmly as I felt the left side of her whisker brush against my cheek as she nuzzles against my neck causing me to giggle slightly "your fur and your whiskers are tickling my neck" I said through laughter "I cant help it if I'm fluffy" raven huffed "I know but because its slowly turning late summer early autumn, your winter coat will be coming in" I said as me and raven looked into each others eyes "besides. at least we keep each other warm" I said "true. Is your winter fur coming in as well" raven Said as we stopped in front of the door "yes" I said as the door knocker began to speak "ah master haku and mistress raven. Yubaba is waiting" the dozen double doors opens up as we walked through the maze and reached to yubabas office.

When we got there, yubaba was talking to her son as we both saw yubaba covering her head with the curtain "now get some sleep" she said as she saw me and raven in the corner of her eye "you called for us" I said as yubaba sits behind her desk "yes. Its sen shes been quite a handful lately, will yous babysit her for a few hours. Shes been getting on lins nerves" yubaba explains "right" I said while keeping my working face on "make sure you dont lose her. If she complains just do whatever to make her stop" yubaba said as we left "we got it" I replied back.

After we had a chat with yubaba about sen, me and raven went down to find her "if you see her, let me know my love" I said while I rode on ravens back as she stayed in her dragon form "will do" she said as raven flies around on all the floors as we both looked around for sen. Until raven gave me a happy growl "good spot" I said while stroking ravens dragon ears as she flicks one cutely "SEN" my voice echoed through the bathhouse causing loads of workers to stop what they're doing and look at us as raven lands in front of her "back to work" I said sternly as everyone returned to their usual working areas "you scared me" sen whined as she was aware of raven. feeling nervous "shes alright, She wont bite." I said as raven looks at me in the corner of her eye "ugh I dont bite but I do nibble" raven gives sen a grin "I know you do. You always try to nibble my fingers" I chuckled "why are you wanting me anyway" said sen "yubaba told us to babysit you for a few hours to give lin a break" I explained "I dont need babysitting that's for babies" sen huffed as she faces away from us with her arms folded "ehhhhh wrong answer" I said as raven picks sen up by the back of her bathhouse uniform. Lifting her up in the air as raven takes off and we left the bathhouse through the double doors and flew up into the sky.

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