bloody mess and being harassed

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Hakus pov
It's been a few days since I took a good rest from using my power "ahh glad to see your well master haku" the foreman bows as he smiles at me "yes I'm feeling much better. Thanks to raven for taking over my place and making me feel better" I said while kissing the side of ravens muzzle as shes chilled in her dragon form clinging onto my back "aww" the foreman gets back to work while I looked around making sure none of the workers are slacking off "are you alright love" I asked raven as she growled lowly and licks my cheek "take that as a yes" I chuckled as I scratched behind one of ravens ears causing her to purr "what's up lovers" I was that occupied with raven i didnt see lin and sen walking past "oh nothing much back to my usual self" i said as raven snuggled against the crook of my neck "glad to see you back" said sen "thank you" I said "raven told us that you've been refusing to let her go when you were resting" lin smirked "yeah and. I'm allowed to" I replied "oooooooo sassy" lin giggled "excuse me your the sassy one not me" I went wide eyed as lin continued to tease us by following me and raven from behind "I can clearly tell that your doing stupid faces I'm not that stupid" I stopped as I turned my head slightly as I saw lin acting immature while sen was giving us confusing looks "ugh just get back to work both of you" I sighed as I put my thumb and forefinger on the bridge of my nose "whatever LIZARD BOY" i froze as i heard the word lizard "THATS IT" raven climbs off of my back and started to chase after lin and sen through the hall all the way down the stairs, past the entrance of the bathhouse and into the bath area as I ran behind trying to catch up.

"Darling wait up" raven stops as she lets me climb on her back "now go ahead and chase them" i smirked as raven starts to walk with her nose on the ground "looks like we lost them" raven sighed as she raise her head up and turns around as we headed upstairs. "They need to stop calling you that" she said "I know I just ignore them but this time they will regret it" I flopped my body forward so my head was resting in between ravens dragon horns as my legs and arms angle freely "fed up?" Raven questioned "mhmm" I said while nodding my head as my forehead brushes against ravens mane causing her fur to become fluffy "stop your making me itch" I smirked as I brushed my fingers through ravens fur. making her fur to become more fluffy "stoooooopppppp" raven whined as I got off of ravens back. she begins to nudge her head under my arms and puts her front paws on my shoulders "aww what's up" I turned around as raven licks my face and pulls me in towards her with her paws " are you in a cuddly mood hmm" raven growled in return as she puts her chin on my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around ravens neck.

Once we got to the top floor, we walked through the fancy hallway heading towards our room "what do you wanna do?" I asked as raven walks over near the fireplace "nothing much we could just chill for a little bit" raven takes a big stretch as her front half was on the ground and her back end was in the air as she slowly flops herself down in front of the fireplace "maybe we could chill under the cherry blossom tree. It's a nice day outside" I suggested "yeah why not" raven looks at me as she smiled "in a bit though" I said while I sat down. Leaning back slowly so i was resting against ravens side "whyyyy" raven whined "becauseeee itssssss hoootttttt" I whined back as I booped ravens nose with mine as she licks her nose "still such a cutie when you do that" I chuckled while I went into my kimono pocket.

Taking out the beige coloured cloth that had onigiri inside it "mmm food" raven growled in curiosity as she sniffs the cloth and then starts to nudge my hands "alright cheeky" I giggled as raven keeps on nudging my hands "your so food oriented" I pointed out "I'm hungry" raven lays her head down as she turns into her semi dragon form "I can tell" I said as we heard her stomach growl "I'll be back in a second" raven gets up and heads to the bathroom. For about a solid 4 to 5 minutes she came out "are you alright love you took longer than before" I asked feeling concerned "yeah just on my monthlys I had to clean myself up" raven points to the small red patch on the floor where shes been lying while she was in her dragon form "sorry" raven felt embarrassed as she hides her face with the fluffy end of her tail "no need to be sorry darling. These things happen. How about a nice warm bath to ease the pain" I put my hands over ravens as she peeks over her tail "yes please" I smiled at her as she smiles back "while you get yourself sorted, I'll run down to the laundry room to get you a clean towel and then I'll grab a mop with some soap and water to clean that puddle of blood" I said as  we both stood up "alright" raven heads off into the bathroom to run herself a bath while I headed towards the laundry room.

As I was walking down the stairs, lin and Sen spotted me "hey haku" lin waved as I walked past "what's up" I said as lin and sen followed me "nothing just wanted to apologise" said lin "its alright just please dont do it again it angers me and it definitely does anger raven. A lot" I sighed as I kept on walking "anyway where are you going?" Said lin "laundry room" I blurted out "why" sen said "to get a few stuff" I said "what stuff" I started to become annoyed but I just stayed calm "just a towel and a mop with soap and water" I said "oh did something happen" lin smirks "ugh raven had an accident" I whisper yelled feeling embarrassed "what accident" I bit my tongue to hold in my anger "it involves blood" I said through gritted teeth "ohhh I get it shes on her PERIOD" Lin says out loud. Causing a few workers to look at us "get back to work" I said bluntly as the workers went back to work "now if yous excuse me. I have a mess to clean up" I sped walk to the laundry room, grabbed the things I need and rushed back upstairs to the top floor.

When I got to the top floor, I went in my and ravens room "I'm back" I said as raven hugs me from behind "you look like you've been in a argument" she said "typical lin and her nosy behaviour" i sighed as I hand raven the towel and she goes into the bathroom "right now to clean this up" I rolled up my sleeves as I began to clean up the small mess. After I cleaned up the mess, I left the mop to the side near the door so its out of the way "are you alright love" I said as I knocked on the bathroom door "yeah just trying not to burn my skin" raven replied from the other side "are you wanting help" I said "yes please" I opened the door and closed it behind me as I saw raven struggling to get in the bath "is the water too hot?" I questioned "a little" I checked the water by putting my hand in there as it was way too hot "that's too hot darling" I put cold water in the tub as we waited for the water to cool down.

Once I managed to cool the water down, I turned the taps off and helped raven "there you go. It shouldn't be too cold" I said as I picked raven up and put her in the water "much better" she said as she started to relax in the water "I'm gonna sit over here darling okay" raven looks at me smiling "alright" she said while closing her eyes letting the water soak into her skin on her body and her fur on her tail. Whilst raven was enjoying her bath, I saw some stuff that I never seen before "raven darling" I say breaking the silence "yeah haku" she said "what are these" I picked up a small tube like packet twizzling it around with my fingers "oh. You never seen those before" I look at raven as she smiled at me "nope" I said "its called a tampon" raven giggled as I gave her a confused look "what are they used for?" I questioned as I opened the packet.

Taking out a tube shaped white cotton wool with a string on the end "they're used to stop the blood" she said as I started to play around with it by holding the tampon by the string "how" I said "girls use them. it goes up inside and it soaks the blood. Here I'll show you" I gave raven the tampon as she puts the tampon in the bath water making the cotton to expand as she takes it back out of the water "can you reuse them?" I asked "nope. They have to be thrown away and then I get a new one and just put it in" raven explains "how many times do you have to change it" I said "depends on how heavy I am" she said "you've just got it today" I said "yeah I dont wear those when I'm asleep i wear these" raven points at a small square packet that's on the side of the sink "it's called a pad they're flat and you put them on your underwear so the blood won't ruin them" raven explains to me how female hygiene works "ahh that's interesting. I'm now less embarrassed on what you have to go through" I smiled as raven smiled back "no problem love. The only thing you gotta put up with is only my cranky behaviour" she said "I'll do anything to keep you happy" I kneeled in front of the bath as I gently kissed ravens forehead.

About an hour later, raven had her bath and we decided to chill by the fire "you comfy" I said "mhmm" raven sighed as she turned into her dragon form and I turned into mine "just feeling sore slightly but its bearable" raven lays her head down as she sprawled herself beside me "if your feeling too sore. Let me know hun" I said "I will" raven sits her head up as she licks under my jaw lovingly and I licked her forehead all the way down halfway to her neck causing her to slowly low her head down feeling relaxed as I heard her breathing softly knowing shes slowly falling asleep "sleep well my love" I growled calmly as I gave her one last lick on her forehead all the way down to the back of her neck hearing her purrs as I lay my head down next to ravens, feeling her tail wrap around mine while I slowly start to doze off.

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