my home is our home

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Hakus pov
It was early evening, all the workers have started waking up for work. I woke up with ravens dragon nose rubbing against my human nose "good morning to you too my love" I smiled as I kissed her nose and I put both of my hands on each side of her dragon face. Starting to scratch under her jaw causing her to purr "shall we get breakfast" ravens ears perked up for a second and then lays her ears back down and flops her head on my chest whilst she let's out a lazy purr "yes please but I feel lazy" raven sighed as I heard a light growl coming from her "well since your feeling lazy I guess your wanting to stay on my back" I smirked as raven licks under my chin and then my face "I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled.

When i tried to get up, raven used her whole body weight to stop me from moving "I'm being a pain in the ass ain't I?" raven giggled "just slightly but your my pain in the ass" I teased by picking raven up and hoisting her up above my face. I had my head against the pillow as I was facing the ceiling and raven looked down so shes looking at me in the eyes and she smirked "what are you up to?" I questioned "nothing" ravens eyes widened as she began to drool "dont you dare drool on me" I fake gasped whilst i quickly put raven down and I sat up then turning her around so her back is leaning against my chest and I wrapped my arm around her waist "now. How are you going to escape from me" I cooed as raven shuffled in my grasp by wriggling her body. Making my grip to tighten slightly "I don't know I probably might do this" I looked at raven feeling a bit confused on what shes going to do and she looked back at me with a big grin on her face.

Me still feeling confused, I picked raven up so I can see her in the eyes, the pupils in her eyes started to dilate as raven leans her body backwards. Causing her to go limp "I don't think playing dead will work" I used my magic to get a blanket and wrapped it around me so it's like a sling. I put raven inside the sling and she layed on her back with her paws clinging onto my arm as I used my fingers to scratch under ravens chin and then started to rub her belly "you can never get away from the master of the bathhouse" I chuckled "well I never want to get away from you anyway. Besides in your mind I'm just wayyyy too cute" raven purred happily as shes enjoying the scratches and the affection I'm giving her "correct. Feisty but cute" I smiled while using my free hand to ruffle behind ravens ears. Getting a yawn reaction from her "I bet a few workers wouldn't want to make you angry" raven said "yep they're scared of me but only when I get angry" I sighed while I walked through the hall and walked down the stairs to get breakfast.

Once the line went down in the canteen, I grabbed a few things "ahh good morning master haku" the foreman spoke and bowed followed by a few other workers "good morning" I said while bowing in return "wheres lady raven?" He questioned "shes in here. Feeling lazy" raven pops her head out and leans her head against my chest "good morning mistress" the foreman replied "morning" raven smiled as I walked to the nearby table and sat on one of the chairs "howdy what's up bro" benji said while sitting on the opposite side of the table "good morning to you too sssnnnaaaake" I said while handing raven a steamed bun. She takes it out of my hand by using her paws and I happily ran my free hand down from the top of her forehead all the way down to the back of her neck quite firmly but not too much "ssoooo what's new" benji said as his inner snake gave way his speech "nothing much. The usual" I took a small sip of my tea and putting the cup down after swallowing the liquid "same here. Hey have you two met the new worker?" Me and raven looked at benji as we both nodded "uh huh" I replied "the baldy one?" Benji smiled as I almost spat my tea everywhere "oh you mean shun" benjis eyes went wide as he almost fell off his seat "yeah that's him. I saw him this morning he wanted to meet me" benji leaned his elbows against the table and put his head on his hands "right. How did it go?" I questioned as I felt raven licking my fingers and rubs the side of her face against the palm of my hand "it went alright. I figured out hes a bird spirit. A falcon" my and ravens eyes went wide as we saw shun behind benji.

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