fussy human/food orientated dragon

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Hakus pov
It was the next morning, I woke up and looked around the room. Realizing raven was no where to be found "raven darling where are you?" I get off the couch as I walked around zenibas living room until I tripped over something "ow" I groaned while I rubbed my head. I look down slightly as I saw ravens tail sticking out of the blanket "there you are" I sighed in relief while I stand up and walked on the other side so I was beside her front end since I was near her back end "good morning haku" I turn my head slightly seeing zeniba walking over "morning" I said "aww someones still asleep" zeniba looks down at me as raven was in her dragon form sleeping under the blanket "I found her like this I tripped over her tail by accident but I'm surprised she hasnt woken up" I said as sen comes walking in the room "morning" I said as I got no reply "still half asleep" I said while I saw ravens nose poking out underneath the blanket "I'll make breakfast" said zeniba "why is raven still asleep?" sen  questioned "because shes tired" I said as zeniba made steamed buns "breakfast is done" she said while I got up and walked over to the kitchen side and taken two steamed buns out of the bowl and I walked back towards raven.

I sat down and started eating my breakfast "who's going to wake her up?" Said sen "I'll wake her up since I do it every morning sometimes she wakes me up" I explained while I had ravens steamed bun in my hands and I put the steamed bun down near her nose making her shuffle and we hear a loud happy growl "hello gorgeous" I smiled as raven slowly sticks her head out and she yawns as she comes out from under the blanket "morning" raven said as she licks my face lovingly as she pushes me on the ground and continues to lick my face "good morning to you too" I chuckled while I ruffled behind ravens ears as she purred and gets off of me, letting me sit up "breakfast" I said as I gave raven her steamed bun and she sat how I was sitting "I never seen a dragon sit like that" said sen "surprised" said raven as she starts eating her breakfast "um yes" sen went wide eyed "come on sen eat" zeniba gets sen out of her daydreaming as we all ate our breakfast.

After breakfast, raven was a bit bored by nudging the side of me "what's up darling" I said while looking down since I was standing up and raven climbs up on my back "im bored" she said "I can tell since your all over me" I said as raven lays her head down on my shoulder "wanna play outside since it's a nice day" I suggested as ravens ears perked up "sure" we left zenibas cottage as we went outside to play. When we went outside, the sun hits us "summer" I said while putting my hand above my forehead to stop the sun getting into my eyes and I hear a loud sneeze "excuse me" I heard raven "bless you" I said "thanks" raven said as saw sen run past us "looks like someone is bored as well" I said as raven looks at sen and sen looks at raven "what is up with you?" I sighed "I'm bored" sen whined "and. So am I but I'm not complaining" raven says "if your bored why dont you go and get me some fruit since I'm planning to make a pie" sens eyes lit up as she looked at zeniba "sounds good. Any particular type?" I said as I smiled as raven gets off my back "thanks love" I smiled as I get on ravens back "no just any fruit you like" said zeniba "no problem" I said.

I get myself comfortable as I held onto ravens horns "ahem" I clear my throat to get sens attention but shes still daydreaming "hey daydreamer get your butt moving" said raven as sen hasnt moved still "EARTH TO SEN WAKE UP HUMAN" raven roared as Sen jumps in the air "dont do that" sen whined "well we tried to get your attention but you were daydreaming again" I said as I was fed up of her whining "get on you twit" raven said as sen gets on ravens back and we headed into the forest.

While we were in the forest to get some fruit "I was looking around trying to spot some "why dont we think of a type of fruit that we want to put in the pie" raven said "zeniba said it can be any kind of fruit" I said as raven spots some raspberries "how about these" she said "I dont like raspberries" said sen "right" raven keeps on moving as I spot blueberries "I dont like blueberries" sen said "ok" raven continues to walk on as she seen some cherries "I dont like cherries" I felt a low growl coming from raven as shes getting fed up of sens complaining "I'll talk to sen darling" I spoke telepathically "please" raven replied "what fruit do you like then?" I break the silence as raven turns around and grabs the blueberries and the raspberries from the bushes and gives them to me as she turns back around and gets on her back paws and grabs a few cherries from the tree "only bananas, strawberries, grapes and pineapples" sen crosses her arms as she gives me a evil look "looks like we'll be going to the market" I said while patting the side of ravens neck "what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn around to head back to zenibas then we'll head off to the market" raven explained "sounds like a plan" I said as raven turns around and begins to run down the path.

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