flying and swimming lessons

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Hakus pov
It's been about a month or two since me and raven arrived at zenibas with our hatchlings "look how big these little darlings are getting" zeniba said as me and raven had our hands full with our 3 hatchlings "we know. They're getting pretty heavy too" I said as I felt one of them jump off my back and ran around the room as I had one of our daughters which was syrax in my arms "at least someones relaxed out of the 3" raven smiled "you mean 2 of them" I chuckled "oh yeah. Come here" I watched raven try to grab our son in her dragon form as he continued to run until she eventually got a hold of shenron "calm down. You've nearly knocked your dad over with your zoomies" raven pointed out as shenron wriggled around in ravens grasp as he leaned his head right back and started licking her "typical mummy's boy" I smiled while sitting down on the floor next to raven as she looks at me and licks under my chin "mhmm" she said.

While we were attending to our babies or should I say dragon toddlers, shenron was in a playful mood so he playfully slapped syrax on her muzzle with his paw which she wasnt happy so she snarled at him followed by a gentle swipe on his nose "hey that's enough. Be nice to your brother" I said as I turned into my dragon form "wheres aqua?" Raven turned her head slightly as she looks around the room "love. Shes here" I spoke telepathically as I moved my front paws slightly so raven can see "shes so cute" ravens eyes dilated as she sniffed and licked her babies head gently, getting a yawn, squeak and a stretch as a response "she is. Such a little angel" I cooed as me and raven smiled "more like angel dragon" raven said as she nuzzles under my neck and rubs her head against my jaw lovingly "just like you" I purred as I nuzzle under ravens neck and lick the side of her face and a little face rub in return with a purr.

A few hours later, zeniba gave us some food and some tea "have you both been thinking about teaching your babies to fly and swim yet or are you waiting for the time to be right?" Zeniba asked "well, I think our hatchlings are big enough to learn since they're about 2 months old now" I spoke through everyone's mind as raven agrees "what about them turning into their human forms?" Raven growled calmly as I turned into my human form "I'm sure they will when they want to" I said while raven rested her head on my lap as our hatchlings latched onto her and started feeding "your right. We cant force them. They'll turn into their human forms anytime, it's no rush" raven explained as she went wide eyed for a sec and let's out a quiet growl "are you alright love?" I questioned feeling a bit concerned "yep just a few clawing and tugging" she said as I felt her grip onto my shorts gently with her paws "are you sure it's not teeth?" I said "I dont know. Can you check" raven moves her head so I can lean over her slightly.

I gently picked up one of the hatchlings which was syrax and i slowly pulled her off of ravens teat, getting a little loud squeak coming from her "aww I know your hungry darling I'm sorry" I cooed while I got her to lay on my lap by stroking her from the top of her head all the way down her tail. Giving her a bit of a rub up as her head went up and I slowly stuck my finger in syraxs mouth which made her think that my finger was ravens teat so she started suckling my finger "I don't feel any teeth" I said as I managed to get my finger out of syraxs mouth and relatched her onto ravens teat as she continued to feed "that's a relief. I thought I felt teeth and biting which is a sign of teething" raven sighed as she lays her head back down on my lap and starts nuzzling my hand "in about a few more months or so they will" I said while stroking behind ravens ears and kissing her muzzle as she sits her head up and licks my face "I was thinking" I said as ravens ears perked up "what is it?" She questioned "since our babies need to learn how to swim. How about we give them a bath just so they know what's it's like being in the water?" I suggested "I think that's a great idea. But how are we going to put them in the water as we have nothing to put it in" raven explained "the bath in the bathroom" I chuckled "ugh for god sake. I didn't even think that" raven sighed as she yawned "late night again?" I said "yep. The little ones kept me awake, mainly shenron kept me awake half of the night" raven said as she yawned again "how about if I deal with our babies while you get some sleep, hmm" I said whilst stroking ravens forehead "sounds good" she smiled.

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