summer heatwave elegant dragon

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Hakus pov
A few weeks flew by since me and raven took sen away from the bathhouse for a break, everything has been running smoothly "hey haku" I turn my head to see sen running over towards me and raven "hmm" I looked down slightly since I was on ravens back in her dragon form "what's up" I said as raven looks at sen in the eyes making Sen feel aware that shes not used to seeing a human in the spirit world "have you two seen lin?" Sen questioned as she froze on a spot "nope she probably might be down in the boiler room feeding the sootballs and giving kamaji food" said raven "right I'll go down and have a look" sen bows as she runs off to find lin "where do you think your going?" Raven went to walk towards the canteen until she stopped immediately "what's wrong gorgeous?" I said while running my hand over the side of ravens neck stroking her fur.

Her ears move slightly as they pointed right up, the pink side of her ears faced behind her "I heard yubaba" raven growled lightly as I turned my head to the left as I saw yubaba talking to sen in the corner of my eye "ahh haku and raven just the two spirits I'm looking for" raven turns around so me and her were looking at yubaba "yes yubaba" I said as I bowed and so did raven "can you take sen to find lin since shes got work" yubaba said "no problem" said raven as yubaba walks off "you" sen turns around as her nose was touching ravens "y-yes" sen stutters "get on" raven turns around and crouched down slightly so sen can get on ravens back.

Once sen got on, I patted the side of ravens neck reassuring her "ready" I said as raven stands up and walks ahead "she could be anywhere" said raven as we looked around the bathhouse trying to find lin "LIN" sen shouted as a few workers looked at us "where is she?" Said sen "I dont know" I said as raven managed to see lin "i found her" said raven as she let out a happy growl and walks a bit fast "woah slow down" sen holds onto ravens mane as she stays on and raven stops dead tracks "found you" lin turns around as she stroked ravens muzzle "there you are I've been looking everywhere for you" lin smiled as sen gets off ravens back and walks over to lin "I was with haku and raven the whole time" said sen as lin playfully ruffles sens hair "its so busy in here today" lin sighed as she got told to do the big tub again "not again" lin huffed "better get off to work" lin waved goodbye as sen and lin walks off to get stuck in.

An hour later, me and raven just chilled on the balcony "its always busy in the bathhouse" I said as I leaned myself back so I was laying against ravens side as she was laying down. The sun hits us both causing our bodies to burn "ughhhhhh" I stood up and went inside my and ravens room to avoid being overheated as I took my bathhouse uniform off. leaving me in my shorts as I came back out of the room and sat back down, resting my back in the same position as before "here have some water it's really hot outside" raven turns into her semi dragon form and takes a few mouthfuls of water "thanks" she said while giving me the bottle of water. I took it and taken a few mouthfuls myself. I stood up as I leaned over the balcony to pour some water over my face "my tail is all damp" I lift my head up so I was looking at raven and I saw her brushing her fingers through her fur whilst wagging her dragon tail to cool off "let's get back inside since its burning hot" raven stands up and heads inside while I followed behind. Closing the balcony doors and closing the curtains so the wooden floor won't get too hot.

Raven turns back into her dragon form and just flops on the wooden floor. she let out a loud huff sound from her nose feeling relieved as the cold floor cooled her belly down as her front paws were in front of her and her back ones was fully stretched out "better" I chuckled at the way she was laying "yep" raven smiled as I sat down and layed down on my back with her as she started to lick my face "thanks love" I smiled as raven sits her head up to let me get up as I cuddled into her by wrapping my arms around her neck. While I was cuddling raven, she puts her head just behind one of my shoulders and gently pulls me towards her so shes hugging me back "what do you want to do?" Raven questioned "I don't know it's too hot to go outside" i pointed out "true. We can't hang around on the balcony due to the sun since the wood is too hot for us to walk on" raven said "yeah we don't want to burn our feet" I said "we'll just wait till night comes" raven sighed as she looks at me in the eyes and puts her forehead against mine "yeah where it's cooled down" I said as I put my hands on ravens muzzle.

Stroking the side of her face with my cold hands causing raven to purr feeling relieved "I bet everyone is avoiding the sun" I chuckled as lin and Sen comes in our room "eghhhh please knock next time" we both looked at lin and sen "sorry" sen bowed "I told you they would tell you to knock" lin sighed as she wafts her hands left and right to cool herself down "hot ain't it" raven smirked "yeah feels like an oven" said sen "at least your not in the boiler room" I said as sen cringes at the thought of the time where she first came here "dont remind me" sen whined "what are you two up to anyway?" Said lin "nothing much just chilling. Waiting for night to come" I said "yeah so are we" said lin as she gently nudges sen on the shoulder.

While I was talking to lin and sen, I felt something wet near my ear "omg she licked your ear" sen laughed as raven nuzzles her face under my chin, snuggling into me "what's up darling?" I cooed as I kissed the side of ravens muzzle while putting my hand over her muzzle lovingly "just hot" raven huffed as she gets up to change her position. Raven lays flat on her back sprawling all over me "ahh is that what your wanting" I smiled while i rubbed ravens belly.

After a good 5 minutes, raven gets up and rubs herself against me almost making me fall backwards "your fur is moulting love. Here let me brush you" I stood up as i went to the drawers to get a brush. She sat in front of me with her head tilted to the side as her ears moved forward "look what I have" I said as raven looks at the brush in my hand. She walks over towards me, rubbing the side of her head against my waist "come here beautiful" I picked raven up with my free hand as she is laying against my chest.

I sat down slowly so I wont cause an accident, I put raven down on the floor and I began to brush through her fur. Once i managed to get rid of the loose fur on her body I went to put the brush back in the drawer and I heard raven going behind me and climbs up on my back, over my shoulder down my chest and stays in that position as she rests her head in the crook of my neck "aww bless" I heard sen fangirling behind me as I put my hands over ravens back to stop her from falling off "you just wanted a cuddle" I said while booping ravens nose with my finger as she looks up at me smiling.

A few hours later, lin and sen went back to work and the sun began to set "it'll be cold enough to go outside now" I said while walking out of my and ravens room. Standing on the wooden flooring on the balcony "the sunset" raven pointed out "its beautiful" me and raven said at the same time as we both giggled "fancy going for a fly?" I suggested "I'd love to" raven gets off my back as she turns into her semi dragon self and I turned into my dragon form. I gently nuzzled into raven since her back was facing me. I let out a gentle growl as I licked the side of ravens cheek. She smiled and turns around so she was looking at me.

Ravens pov
I went back to my semi dragon form as haku turns into his dragon form. He let out a gentle growl as he nuzzles into me and licks the side of my face. I turn around as I saw his face "so elegant and handsome" I put my hands on his muzzle as I smiled and closed my eyes. Inhaling the fresh minty scent in his fur he let out a purr as he smiled "hop on" haku speaks to me telepathically as I got on his back and I lean forward so I can get comfortable "ready when you are" I said while wrapping my tail around his neck as haku takes off into the sky.

While I was on hakus back in his dragon form, I lay my head down just behind in the middle of his horns watching the colours of the sky changing. The reds, oranges and yellow disappear. turning into a mixture of dark blues and purples as the full moon appears replacing the sun "relaxing isnt it" haku growled calmly as I try to stay awake "mhmm" I sighed. Wrapping my arms around hakus neck "it's making me fall asleep" I yawned "I can tell. Lets get back to the bathhouse and head to bed" haku picks up the pace a little bit as he lands on the balcony floor.
Haku turns into his human form, carrying me so I was lying my head on his shoulder as my arms and legs are wrapped around his waist while he walked inside our room.

He uses his free hand to close the balcony door and used his magic to close the curtains. I was that exhausted I clinged onto him refusing to let him go, I heard him chuckle as he sat down on the bed and slowly lays himself down on the mattress so he wont wake me up "sleep well my love" I heard him whisper in my ear as he kissed the side of my head making my tail move left to right slowly as he had his arms wrapped around me so i was safe. I heard his heart beating as it made me fall asleep almost instantly until I heard slow breathing which I could tell that haku fell asleep.

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