work and play

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Ravens pov

It was the next day and I woken up with a smell of food "good morning" I rubbed my eyes as I saw haku kneeling down eating "morning" I said while yawning "I'm guessing you slept well I kept on waking up every hour making sure you were still there. You were twitching slightly and sprawling around plus you were doing these cute tiny little squeaks so I knew you were dreaming" he said as my stomach growled "dont worry about my stomach" I said "its alright I can tell your hungry I bought breakfast" said haku as he hands me a bowl full of noodles with egg and a small bowl of rice on the side "it looks so good" I said as I started eating. After breakfast me and haku went to the top floor to see yubaba "good morning you two" said yubaba as we both bowed "morning ma'am" I said "were here for work" said haku "ah yes I remember I told you two about that yesterday just show raven around the bathtub area where the spirits go to take a bath all you are doing raven is just going round checking up on everything to see if theres any problems" yubaba explains as I understood "yes that's perfectly fine" said haku as we left yubabas office to start work.

Once we got to the ground floor, haku shows me around the bathtubs and how they work "lin and the other workers around here clean the bathtubs, scrub the floors, fill the tubs with water" haku explains how everyone works "how do you get the water to the tub" I ask "we use these" haku takes me to see the foreman and shows me a red wooden token "what are those" I ask "they're called a bath token you open this door and attach them to this purple rope pull it down, it'll go to kamaji and he sends the water up. here I'll show you we have a customer coming" haku takes a bath token and shows me how it's used "how do you turn the water on" I ask "you'll see" as haku closes the wooden door a large wooden chute comes down with a rope attached "you pull this rope to get the water try it" I climb up on the tub where I stand on the edge trying to keep my balance "dont worry I'll keep a hold of you so you won't fall" says haku as i pulled the rope and the water comes down the chute "when it's full just pull the rope again and the water will stop" he said as the tub got filled up with water quite quick, I pulled the rope again and the water stopped "that was easy" I said as haku helps me down "yep it's simple let's go check up on everyone" he said as I followed him around the bathhouse as we checked on everything.

After a few hours of working yubaba tells me and haku we got the rest of the day off "thank you ma'am" I said as I bowed "your welcome I just want you two to enjoy yourselves" she said as me and haku left yubabas office. Once we got to the elevator, we went to our room "so what do you want to do" I questioned "I'm not sure we could have a play fight" haku said "what as in dragon form" I said while smirking "you do know we would have to clean up the mess" said haku "yeah good point outside it is then" I said as me and haku went outside on the balcony and stood on the banister and jumped while transforming into our dragon forms "this is great" I said as I sped up until haku decided to catch up to me as he was right behind "fancy going swimming" he said "are you sure" I said "it's up to you its summer and since were fluffy were going to get sweaty and we need to cool off" haku says "I cant swim sadly" I said "dont worry I'll help" he said as I smiled "yes please" I said as we landed under the cherry blossom tree "Wanna play" I said as I crouched down in a hunting position "try me" haku copies as I went to pounce he pounced at the same time and I jumped over him and ran underneath his belly and ran behind the tree "I'm coming to get youuuu" haku teases as he chases me around the cherry blossom tree and I ran up the tree a little bit and I had my claws dug into the tree as my body was on the bark "you tired yet" I said as haku gives me a cheeky grin and chases me up the tree and we chased each other back down the tree until we were on our back legs standing right up with our two front paws on each others "how strong are you" haku asks as I stood back up on my two back paws and pushed haku on the grass with my two front paws putting my whole body on top "try to get up" I said as haku tries to get up "alright you win" he said as I sat up and splayed all over on the grass "HEY LOVE BIRDS WANT SOMETHING TO EAT" lin shouts as we saw her in the distance "NAH WERE ALRIGHT" me and haku said at the same time.

Once we spent a few hours outdoors me and haku decided to go swimming I was in my human form and haku was in his dragon form "the water is warm" said haku as I got nervous "I'm scared" I said as haku swims towards me while I sat on the edge with my feet in the water "your going to be alright I wont let you go" he said as he nuzzled his nose in my hands and puts his face against my forehead as he comforts me "just sit on my back and I'll do all the work" he said as I got on his back holding onto his horns "hey raven" lin swims towards us as I saw her "hey lin" I said "I'm guessing you cant swim" she said "yeah that's why I'm on haku's back" I said as I had something thrown at me "hey over here" I saw in the distance and saw kamaji waving at me "oh you want this" I said "it's for the soot balls" he said as some of the soot balls were squeaking "alright here catch" I threw the ball at kamaji and he caught it "thanks" I said as I saw a few floats "haku can you put me on one of those please" I said "oh you mean the floats" he said as he swims towards the float and I lay on top of it "want me to drag you around the water" haku says "yeah sure" I said as haku pushes the float by his nose.

After for a good few hours of swimming haku helps me to swim as I got the hang of it "that's it you got it wanna play around with the others" he said "yeah can do" I said as I swam under the water in my dragon form scaring some of the girls "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH ITS A MONSTER IN THE WATER" one girl screams her head off as I blew bubbles behind lin as I was still underwater "ewwwwww lin farted" another girl says as lin was embarrassed so I popped my nose out of the water "HAKU" lin says as i moved around the water as lin just sees my nose moving around the surface and I felt something touching my nose so as I popped my head out I saw hakus face so our noses were touching "you booped my snoot" I said as I went all shy "aww you two are so cute" said lin "oh by the way guys that was me that done that prank" I said as I saw haku giggling so I splashed him by using my tail "hey now your going to get payback" he said as he starts to splash me by using his nose so I ducked under the water as haku does the same and starts chasing me around until we went back up for air "that was hilarious on what you did" said haku "I'm glad" I said as I squirted water at haku and quickly legged it out of the pool "still in a playful mood I see" said lin "yep" I said as I giggled "the other girls said ewwww lin farted but I know that wasnt me" she said "oh I blew bubbles under the water" I said as haku giggles behind me "I knew it" said lin "are you coming back in the water or are you going to get dried off" said lin "I'm getting a little bit cold I'm gonna warm up over there" I said as I pointed in a sunny area as I shook my whole body to get rid of the water in my dragon fur.

After we got dried it gotten dark "you wanna chill or something" said haku as we were sitting on the balcony with our legs dangling on the edge "yeah might as well" I said as I went back inside and stretched my body and layed on the cool wooden floor "your hot" said haku as I was in my dragon form "yeah just a little bit" I said as I yawned "are you wanting me to take your mask off or are you leaving it on" haku questions "can you take it off please" I said while giving him the puppy dog eyes as haku was in his human form he took my dragon mask off my face and puts it on the shelf "cheers" I said as I sat my head up while haku comes towards me and hugs me by wrapping his hands on my snout but I felt something wet on my nose "are you alright" I asked as haku breaks down crying "what's up" I said as I licked his cheeks "I'm just really happy that I met you a few years ago a human came into the spirit world she had to rescue her parents as yubaba turned her parents into pigs and I helped this human girl to get her back with her parents ever since she left I havent been myself since you remind me of her just the height and the personality" haku explains his past as I layed beside him with my head on his lap "what was her name" I asked "her name is chihiro" said haku "I'm sure she would never forget you" I said as haku nuzzles his face into me for comfort "I'll always be here no matter what happens" I said while haku snuggles into me wrapping my fluffy tail around him to keep himself warm and safe as I fell asleep afterwards with haku's hands on top of my nose so I gently licked his hands as he smiled in his sleep.

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