smokeys territory

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Ravens pov
It was early morning, I felt haku picking me up and carrying me "morning darling" haku smiled whilst I rubbed my eyes in my dragon form "morning handsome" I purred as I rubbed the side of my face against his jaw. Haku sits on the edge of the bed with me tucked under his tunic "since you felt cold I thought you would want to warm up against my body heat" haku said as I snuggled into him.

While i was comfortable inside hakus tunic, benji comes in the room after knocking "ahh goo- wait a sec where's raven?" Benji questioned as I stuck my nose out "I'm in here. I'm just feeling the cold" I explained as i started eating my breakfast. Once we had our breakfast, frosty wanted us to meet her in the forest "I hope you three had a good sleep?" She said "yeah we did" we bowed "I'm glad. Now remember the plan. I'll meet you three in this location which is just outside smokeys territory" frosty shows us the place where we would meet her "right. We're on our way" haku bowed while I climbed out of hakus tunic and turned into my semi dragon form whilst haku turns into his dragon form.

Haku gently puts his nose against my cheek as he starts licking my face "I love you too haku" I smiled as I ran my fingers through his fur as he puts his chin on the back of my shoulder and pulls me in towards him wanting a cuddle "that's sssweet" said benji in his snake form as haku looks at him and then started playing with benji by bopping him on the nose with his paw. Hearing benji hiss as he looks at haku with a unimpressed expression on his face "hey what wassss that for dragon" I only heard hissing and low growling coming from haku and benji "typical old friends hmm" frosty said as we both watched the two friends bicker at each other.

A few hours later, we're on our way to smokeys territory "have you two finished your little quarrel yet?" Haku and benji looked at me silently "yes" haku speaks through my mind as he let's out a relieving growl "that's good" I smiled while stroking hakus ears as I rested my head in between his horns "sorry you had to see us bickering like that earlier" haku spoke through my mind as he looks at me in the corner of his eyes. Giving me the puppy look "its fine hun just a typical quarrel thats all" I reassured him by ruffling behind his ears as he raises his head up with a big smile on his face "I'm guessing your itchy" I said "just a little bit" haku sighed as we continued flying through the sky.

A few hours later we arrived outside smokeys territory "thiss looks like it came straight out of a horror" said benji as I went to get off hakus back, haku stopped me by grabbing me gently by the back of my tunic with his teeth and puts me back on his neck "stay on my back my love Its dangerous around here" haku spoke telepathically as he gave me a worrying growl "alright. And I know because that dragon wants to take me away from you as I can sense that your in protective mode" I said while nuzzling my face against hakus mane as he growled calmly in return "wow this is awesome" we watched benji explore as he went to walk through the demon side "ah ah don't walk into that side" haku roared slightly as benji stopped and turned around "why not?" Benji huffed "because we're walking into another dragons territory. you'll either be taken by those nasty demon dragons or be skinned alive by them" I said as benji storms over towards us and leans against a large stone "cant we just go in and meet the spider spirit in there?" Benji said "no we cant just walk into there. We will get attacked, plus smokey is after for raven because hes desperate for a female. If he or any other demon dragon will see her or me. She will get taken away and I'm having to fight against those demons" haku explains "that's why I'm here you dumbass. To help" benji whined "we know but putting both of our powers together will defeat smokey but also mixing frosties power with ours will make it more stronger" I explained as we saw frosty coming over.

"That is true. My son is very disrespectful towards other dragons but only uses and abuses other females" frosty sighed "that's awful. no female dragon should go through that" I said as haku comforts me by getting him to put my hand on his muzzle as he starts licking my hand "as long as you stay close to your partner you'll be fine" frosty reassured me as benji walks along beside us "let's go" the fur in my tail went poofy as I had it wrapped around hakus neck "your okay my love I'm here" haku spoke through my mind as he keeps me calm by purring and growling calmly from the back of his throat as I felt his body vibrate "this is a bad time for me" I leaned right over near hakus ear as I whispered in his ear "how come?" Haku growled quietly "you know how dragons have a high sense of smell?" I questioned quietly "mmhm" haku smiled slightly "well I can sense a crap load of male dragons around us annnnnndddddd I'm on my monthlies" haku went wide eyed as he spotted a few male dragon demons on the wall "dont worry the quicker we can get in and deal with smokey. The quicker we can get out of here" haku keeps an eye on the demons on the wall so he wouldn't get distracted "why are they looking at us?" Benji whispered "they're after me. They all sense that I'm on something" I whispered back as haku gave the demons a warning growl. A few of them backed off and went away but a few stayed put but in a distance.

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