the spirit world is our hidden world

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Ravens pov
It was early morning, me and haku got woken up by our hatchlings nibbling our ears and pulling our whiskers since we slept in our dragon forms "alright darlings were up" I said while yawning and taking a big stretch as my tail was in the air and haku did the same "good morning my love" haku growled calmly as he licks under my jaw and then just behind my ears which caused me to purr "good morning to you too handsome" I smiled as I nuzzled under hakus jaw as he purred in return "good morning dears" zeniba said while walking past us "morning zeniba" I said while I felt my and hakus hatchlings pawing and clawing me "we so need to trim their claws" I sighed while I flattened my ears "are they sharp?" Haku questioned through my mind "yes. We can do that sometime today" I said as haku nuzzles into me for comfort "thanks haku" I smiled as haku smiled back "no problem" he purred as zeniba puts a tray full of food down towards us "breakfast is done, Eat up you need the energy to fly back to the bathhouse" me and haku sat our heads up quickly as we both looked up at the clock "we need to leave immediately, we've slept in. Zeniba can you pack our food while we get ready?" I said in a rush as haku turns into his human form and helps zeniba pack our things while I finished off feeding my and hakus hatchlings.

Once we got ourselves ready, haku turns back into his dragon form as I turned into my semi dragon form with the bags on my back and the sling wrapped around me with our hatchlings safely inside "are you all set?" Haku growled calmly as he turned his head so he can look at me "I think so" I said while scratching behind hakus ears, getting a purr from him as his body vibrates from underneath me "have a safe journey you two" zeniba and no-face waves us goodbye as haku takes off into the sky.
While we were in the air, I took some food out of one of the bags on hakus back including some onigiri, steamed buns, fruit, fish and some other bits "whyyy can I smell fish?" Haku letted out a very weird noise which shown the fact that hes curious but also quite happy "I think zeniba must've packed some while we were getting ready" I replied as I grabbed a small fish by the tail "it stinks" the smell of the fish made the fur on my tail go poofy as I held my nose with my free hand "not used to seeing or smelling a whole raw fish?" Haku giggled "nope. Just eat it please as the smell is making me uncomfortable" I said quickly as haku ate the fish out of my hand.

As soon as haku eaten the fish, the hatchlings popped their heads out as they smelt the air "oh no" I sighed "what's wrong" haku said telepathically "I think the hatchlings can smell the fish" I said as one of the babies which was syrax smelt my hand and started licking my hand "yep I knew it" I smiled as I giggled "looks like they're ready for solids?" Haku suggested as I felt nibbling on my other hand which made me flinch "definitely" I winced in pain as I felt sharp teeth by looking down seeing aqua and shenron chewing my fingers "teething" me and haku say at the same time "before we head back to the bathhouse. Can we get some baby things?" I asked "I was literally about to ask you that love" haku purred as he picked up the pace as we sped through the clouds. When we arrived at the market, haku lands on the ground and let's me get off his back "that was quick" I smiled while kissing the side of hakus muzzle, getting a few lovable licks under my jaw and my cheek "I love you too" I smiled as haku turns back into his human form.

Hakus pov
Ever since we got back, our hatchlings started getting fussy "aww what's wrong" I cooed while I put my hand in the sling as I saw our hatchlings fighting over my hand. I felt Two of them started gnawing my fingers and the 3rd one rubbing themselves against my hand "I think they're wanting something to chew on" raven said as I knew they were in the teething stage as I felt tiny teeth "I agree" I said while taking my hand out of the sling. Seeing a few teeth Marks on my hand and fingers "you got bit too?" Raven giggled "mhmm" I sighed as we went around in different stalls to get some baby stuff. Once we got everything we needed, raven takes 3 teething toys out of the bag "want some help opening them?" I offered "yes please that would be great" raven hands me the 3 teething toys and I started opening the pack "that'll keep our babies occupied" I said while giving the teething toys to our hatchlings.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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