hakus true love melts his heart

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Ravens pov
It was early afternoon, me and haku went down into the canteen to get our lunch "oh look. Bento boxes" I said as haku wraps his arm around my shoulders "pick whatever one you want you two" the chef said "thanks. I'll let you pick" haku said as he looked at me "noo you choose" I smiled at him "are you sure" haku said with a smirk on his face as he gets close to my face "yes. As long as it's not spicy" I said "alright we'll share Aaaaaa spicy one" I froze giving him a playful punch "hey I said no spicy" I said as haku chuckles "I'm only teasing hunny. I don't do spicy food myself" haku looks at me while smiling "how about that one" I picked up a bento box with rice, fish, veg, small chunks of chicken, pork and onigiri inside "that one will do" said haku as we left the dining hall heading outside.

After we got our lunch, me and haku went into the forest "I'll let you pick a good spot this time" I said while patting hakus neck as hes in his dragon form "alright" haku roars lightly as he searches for a good place to land. Once haku landed, I slowly slid off of hakus back "careful" he said by nudging me gently "I'm alright haku. Dont worry about me" I said as I sat down on the grass near a tree "but your my partner. I tend to worry about you" haku went wide eyed as he lays beside me. Shoving his head under my t-shirt tickling my belly with his whiskers "h-haku your whiskers are tickling me" I said in mid laughter as haku pops his head back out from under my t-shirt and starts licking my face "you big baby" I said "well I'll do anything to make you laugh either I'll do something silly or stupid" haku smiled as he nuzzles into my hands wanting to be cuddled "mhmm" I smiled in return while kissing his dragon muzzle as he licks my cheek lovingly "let's eat because I'm hungry" haku turns into his human form as he sits down beside me.

While I was opening the bento box that me and haku are sharing, I saw haku in the corner of my eye drooling slightly over the food "keep your drool away from the food" haku looks at me as he tries to get the bento box out of my hands as I try to avoid dropping it "pleaseeee" haku begs as he sits on his knees batting his eyes being soft "ugh I give up. Here" I use the chopsticks and picked up a small chunk of chicken, giving it to haku as he opens his mouth "cute" I smirked as I fed him a piece of chicken "cant you feed yourself" I said while taking a small bite out of a onigiri "I cant be bothered" he said trying to take a bite out of my onigiri "hey that's mine. Theres three more onigiri's in the box" haku whines as he shuffles over closer towards me, picking me up putting me on his lap as he unexpectedly wraps his arms around my waist clinging onto me as I try to get away "you ain't going anywhere cutie. Plus I wanna cuddle you. You make my heart melt" haku said as he nuzzles into my neck and I saw him in the corner of my eye sticking his bottom lip out "alright clingy boy" I put my food down as I let haku snuggle into me giving up of trying to escape.

A few hours passed, haku is still clinging onto me, I turn into my dragon form as i drag him with me whenever i would walk, he would always be stuck there beside me "cuddles, cuddles, cuddles, cuddles" he says non stop as his cooing is making me giggle slightly "I get it. Your wanting to cuddle me 24/7. I'll give you cuddles" I stopped in mid tracks as I walk around haku in a circle. Laying myself down on the grass, patting my paw on the ground for haku to sit down "well come here pretty boy" I smirked as haku crawls over towards me acting all babyish and cute by snuggling into my chest as I put my paws on either side of his lap, laying my head on his lap as he kisses my muzzle "you big soulk" I said as haku smiles and nuzzles into me. Since me and haku were chilling, a little butterfly landed on his nose "pretty" haku looks at me as he looks back at the butterfly.

Haku turns into his semi dragon form, still looking at the butterfly that's on his nose making him go cockeyed as I saw hakus tail move slowly against my side happily until he sneezed "bless you" I said while licking the side of his face as the butterfly flew away "your horns and tail are showing" i pointed out as haku turns back into his human form "inner dragon again" I said "yeah" haku scratches the back of his head as he cuddles into me trying to hide his blushing cheeks "no need to hide your blushing face love its normal" haku looks up at me as he turns into his dragon form and I turn into my semi dragon form. Playing around by chasing my tail causing me to fall on my back in the grass as I layed there closing my eyes and a shadow was above me seeing haku looking down at me "cute" haku purred as I rolled on my front, facing away from him slightly as I noticed that haku layed his body around in a circle so I'm feeling safe.

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