sugar rush, hide and seek

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Hakus pov
A week went by really fast and raven is back to her happy self “you cant catch me" raven runs around in a circle as flies in the air since she’s in her dragon form “slow down I can’t catch up" i said for the 5th time in a row, laying flat on my back in the grass under the cherry blossom tree  “now who’s the fastest" raven lands on the grass laying right on top of me “let me catch my breath first” I sighed while putting my hands on ravens neck as she licks my face “thank you for the dragon kisses love" I giggled while ruffling behind ravens ears as she growls happily laying her head on my chest “your so hyper today" I said “I know. Lin put too much sugar in my coffee this morning” I go wide eyed as she said that “um how many sugars" I questioned with a very serious look on my face as my eye twitches “7 and a half" raven smiled at me as I gently grab her face and looked at her in the eyes I wasnt expecting to see the fact that they were very very dilated “shit" I started to panic as raven gets confused “what’s wrong" she said feeling confused and concerned “your having a sugar rush. your pupils in your eyes gone dilated. it only happens when you had too much sugar either in your coffee or food" I explained as raven flops her head back down onto my chest feeling a bit rough as I could easily tell by her facial expression.
A few hours passed, me and raven were doing our duties and I was in the middle of trying to find lin while I’m carrying raven in my arms as she just lays there lazily with her paws gripping on my arm and her back paws stretched out as her dragon toes spreads out cutely “where’s lin” I question a couple of workers while walking around the entire bathhouse trying to find lin “why are you looking for lin" raven asks me while looking up at me “I need to tell her she put too many sugars in your coffee" I said while looking down at raven as she smiled at me and I smile back.
After a solid 5 minutes we managed to find lin “hey lin" lin looks up and waves at me and raven as she stops what she’s doing and comes walking up towards us “hey what’s up" she says “quick question. Did you put too many sugars in ravens coffee this morning. I’m just asking as she had a sugar rush, I had a good look at her eyes as they were dilated and she looked a bit rough when she layed on my chest” lin looks at me shockingly “oh crap I was supposed to be putting 2 and a half not bloody 7 or 8. I must’ve gotten distracted without realizing, I’m sorry about that” lin apologises “its perfectly fine we all make mistakes” I said while stroking ravens head making her smile rubbing the side of her head against my chest lovingly “aww” lin coos at the cuteness as I ruffle ravens dragon face with my thumb, playing with her whiskers slightly “I’m off back to work see you two later" lin walks off as she waves and I walk in the other direction going to my and ravens room.
When me and raven got into the room, I put her down on the bed as I sat on the side, sliding my legs over shuffling my backside slightly so I was leaning against the cushions “how’s the sugar rush” I ask while looking at ravens eyes “it was awful. I felt a bit sick because of the adrenaline” she flops her body on top of me as she takes a deep breath in and sighed while putting her paws on each side of my body, sprawling all over me “i could tell that you were looking a bit rough. looks like I’ll be stuck here for a while" I joked as raven smiles at me.

I playfully turn my head to fake fall asleep which was a big mistake, I open my eyes quickly feeling something wet on my ear “did you just lick my ear" I said while drying my ear with the end of my bathhouse uniform making raven giggle as she nods her head “you cheeky little madam" I put my head right back against the pillows putting my hands on ravens face scratching behind her dragon ears while I also ruffled ravens fur on her tail.
Since me and raven were chilling, raven found a feather on the bed “where did that come from” I said “I don’t know” raven replied “could’ve been from one of these pillows” I said while plumping some of the cushions and I lay back against them. While I was chilling, I watched raven laying flat on her back playing with a feather she found. She was blowing it up in the air as it floats back down and she blows it back up again “you want something fluffy I’ll give you fluffy" raven looks at me as she leans her head right back as her forehead is on the bed while looking at me curiously as i playfully hit her with a pillow, so she rolls over on her front and grabs the other end of the pillow I was holding and starts to pull “alright tug of war then” I giggled as I pulled and raven pulls while ragging the pillow and growling playfully so I turned into my dragon form, grabbing the pillow and ragging it until we both realized we were playing with our favourite pillow “um you do realise we were ragging the fluffiest cushion that we have" raven pointed out as the fluffy pillow we’ve been ragging and pulling on has gone soggy “I’ll shove it in the wash" I said as I turned into my human form.
A few hours passed, I went down into the washing room with raven in my arm to put the soggy pillow in the wash “there it’ll be done and dry before tonight” I said while stroking ravens forehead “that was my pillow by the way" raven watches her fluffy pillow being washed as she moves her head in a circle following the motion of the washing machine making her dizzy “I feel dizzy" raven giggles and I chuckle “that’s because you were moving your head in circles" I said as I we walked back up to our room.
Since we got back, raven couldn’t stop nudging me “your missing your favourite pillow ain’t you" I break the silence as raven rubs her dragon head against under my chin “mhmm" she replied “don’t worry you will get it back I promise” I held raven in my arms as she snuggles into my kimono for comfort and turns into her semi dragon form “here this is also fluffy" I shuffled slightly while leaning over grabbing a fluffy blanket.

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