dragon warrior/the human returns

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Hakus pov
It was the next morning, I woken up with ravens dragon tail right in my face as she slept in her dragon form. Her top half of her body was facing my legs as her front paws grip onto my hips slightly as her back paws are gripping my ribs feeling all of her sharp claws digging into my skin all at once as her bottom half was on my chest since her tail is in my face. She was that heavy I couldn't move at all so i just lay there waiting for raven to wake up "here we go again this is the 15th time in a row she slept like this" i thought as i sighed while blowing ravens fluffy pom pom part of her tail away from my face until she starts slapping me across the face with it "sweetheart can you please move your tail out of my face darling I'm getting your fur in my mouth" I pleaded as raven gets extremely lazy "alright I'll shift you" when I went to pick raven up to move her around so her head will be on my chest and her back end will be on my stomach so she would be facing me.

the little sod decided to make it 10 times harder by digging her claws in my skin while picking her up "darling please don't be so stubborn" I huffed as raven giggles and shoves her tail right in my face again "move your fluffy butt out of my face" I quickly picked raven up before she had her chance to dig her claws in me again "your such a little madam ain't you" I look at raven in the eyes as she looks at me smirking while booping her nose with my nose "oh you think I'm a nightmare" she said "well no but you're always cheeky" I said while lifting raven in the air above my head while looking up as her paws dangle down above my face until I had an idea.

"since you woke me up by shoving your fluffy tail in my face, I'm going to do the same to you and also this" raven gets confused as I threw her up in the air and catch her in my arms "do it again do it again that was fun" raven gave me a crazy grin so I threw her in the air but even higher "wheeeeee" she giggled "come on one more time" she begged "alright remember ONE more time I don't want your pretty little horns getting stuck in the ceiling like the last time" I explained as I launched her in the air for the last time and I caught her again in my arms cuddling her "sounds like you two are having fun" we both look to the left seeing lin leaning against the door frame "yeah I wanted to get my own back for her waking me up by shoving her fluffy backside in my face as the end of her tail was under my nose. She was slapping my face with her tail as well so I'm going to be doing the same to her" I explained as lin giggles slightly "what. she does it every single time" I groaned In annoyance as raven rubs her head under my chin nuzzling into me "are you souking up to me" I said "maybe" she said as she licks my cheek "alright you win" i sighed while ruffling behind ravens dragon ears with my finger.

Since raven woke me up, I decided to take her out and about. I was in my dragon form as raven was in her semi dragon form. I noticed that raven was getting quite tired as her legs kept on giving way while leaning against my neck slightly. so I picked her up and put her on my back "here you just sit back and relax since your legs are giving way" I said as raven holds onto my horns as she rests her head in between my horns as her legs and tail dangle "where are we going" she asks "just going for a explore around the forest" I replied as raven kicks the side of her legs against my neck "trot on" my ears flick as i get confused "pardon" i reply "trot on" she said again "what are you doing" I said "just kicking my legs side to side against your neck" she says "with you saying trot on isn't going to make me trot since I'm not a horse, I'm a dragon" I say as we both giggle "but can horses fly" raven gets smart "no but unicorns can and I ain't a unicorn" I get smart back "well you are white and fluffy and have horns" raven smirks "that's true buuuuuttt I don't have wings and Japanese dragons don't need wings to fly" i gave raven a devilish smirk as I took off into the sky "HAKU YOU SHOULD'VE WARNED ME FIRST" raven grips onto my fur as she wraps her dragon tail around my neck "now who's the pain in the butt" I said "alright alright alright you are" raven gives up as I slow down a little bit.

While we were up in the sky, the summer breeze gently flows through my fur and ravens hair. We both took a deep breath in and sighed happily "it's not that hot today" said raven as she lays on her front comfortably on my back "your right it's a little bit cooler today but still warm" I said while looking at her in the corner of my eye "you comfy there and you look bored" I smiled as raven smiles in return "mhmm your fur is so fluffy I just want to sleep and yeah just a little bit" she nuzzles into my fur as she snuggles her face against my mane "when we land somewhere I'm sure having a rest and a little nap wouldn't be so bad" I said "eihhh maybe" she said.

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