dragon riot

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Ravens pov
Since we left the bathhouse to get away from chihiros inappropriate behaviour, I've been quite sensitive recently "hey swe-" I turned my head quickly accidentally scaring haku as his fur went static "oh it's you darling. Sorry I just got startled I've been really jumpy these days" I walk up towards haku as he relaxes and puts his head against mine "I understand hun. That's why we are here at zenibas to get ourselves back to normal" haku explains as he rubs his face against mine lovingly "I'll do my best to keep her away" I said "I'll be doing the same but I'm going to be keeping eyes on her when shes near us. Especially around you in case if she'll cause havoc" haku sighed as he lays down near the river outside of zenibas cottage "I don't want her to start another fight" I said "if she does, I'll get lin to come running" haku looks at me in the eyes as I layed down beside him.

"I'm sure she'll hear us both shouting" I smiled "your right" he said "when we get back. We need to think of something" haku said "like what" I questioned "I don't know but we need to think fast as our week is almost up" haku shuffles over closer towards me and he wraps his paws over my dragon body so hes keeping me safe "it's gone so quick" I sighed "to make it easier for us both we'll head back tonight and tell lin before chihiro finds out" haku suggests "sounds good let's get ready" me and haku stood up and we turn into our human forms heading back inside zenibas house. "Are you 100% sure you two will be alright" zeniba says feeling unsure "yes we'll be fine. I have raven by my side and hopefully this will be dealt with asap" haku explains as I put some food, blankets and other stuff in a bag "let's head off. We need to get back quickly. I sense something is wrong" I turn into my dragon form as haku does the same.

Hakus pov
When we took off to head back to the bathhouse, I noticed that raven has been quiet "you alright hun" I ask whilst looking at her "I'm just nervous. To be honest I actually don't want her here. She did tell us that shes changed but proved that she hasnt. It feels like that she wants to start a riot" raven starts to sob slightly "I know sweetheart. All of us don't want her here either. At least Yubaba has her under control" I put my paw on top of ravens as she turns her paw around gripping onto mine "that's my girl. We can both do this. we are spirits. When we work together, our powers become strong" raven gives me a smile as I smile back at her and licking the side of her cheek "yes we can do this" raven growls happily as she flew fast dragging me so I flew behind her catching up "Wanna see a trick" raven gives me a smirk "go on then" she lets go of my paw as she leaps over whilst flying making small watery icy pads whenever she puts her paws down "that's incredible" I said still mesmerised as i made a small water ball in my paw using my power.

I encouraged raven to come over as I put my paw over ravens forehead sprinkling little water droplets into her fur "river dragon" raven giggled "well I am a river spirit after all" I chuckled whilst flying Beneath raven, turning my dragon body around so my front was facing ravens as she looks down at me slightly "let me guess, your in your usual teasing mood" raven smirks as she puts her nose against mine putting her front paws onto mine so we were holding each others paws. Whilst we were flying, raven puts her paws around my neck as she lays on top of my belly scales and then she lifts herself back up into flight "come on let's hurry" she said as we picked up the pace.

About an hour later, we arrived back at the bathhouse "welcome back master haku and lady raven" the two frog spirits bowed at us both while we walked past and I Turned into my human form while raven stayed in her dragon form "wanna snuggle on my back" I said as raven climbs on my back and snuggles her head under my chin as her front paws are on my shoulder, her back paws clinging onto my lower back and her tail is curled around the back of my left leg whilst we entered the bathhouse "wheres lin" I questioned as we saw a few workers looking around "over here" lin waves as she comes up to me and raven "what's up. I was looking everywhere for you Two" lin says as she is bombarding us with questions "we need you to keep an eye on chihiro while me and raven are spending time alone" I explained "no problem just leave it to me. Oh and yubaba has been punishing chihiro due to her being a nightmare" lin went wide eyed as she cringes "for how long" raven asked "for 5 days straight" I face palmed myself as raven licks my cheek "we've been to zenibas for almost a week to get away from chihiros constant irritating behaviour, just so we can get back to our normal selves" I whispered as chihiro comes running towards us giving us a fright "HEY HA-" raven stops chihiro from coming near us by going right up to her and growling slightly causing chihiro to put her hands up meaning no harm whilst I watched the two closely making sure nothing bad will happen "stay away from him" raven warned as chihiro stays quiet and bows "has she changed her behaviour recently or hasn't she bothered to remember the conversation that we had" raven looks at lin in the corner of her eye as lin puts her hand on ravens muzzle "let's just say she's working on it" said lin "alright thank you, we really appreciate it" I said while bowing and walking away as raven snuggles under the crook of my neck.

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