light shines throughout the dark

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Ravens pov
I woke up with aching shoulders, neck and back "I'm struggling to move" I huffed as haku gently Carries me around the bathhouse since we had work "I know. let me carry you around and just relax" haku kisses my forehead as I smiled "alright" I sighed while I was laying on my back against hakus arm as he carried me with one arm "good morning master haku and mistress raven" a couple workers greeted me and haku as the workers bow whilst we were walking past "morning" haku replies as he bows slightly in return "how are you feeling" the worker which was the foreman spoke "we're alright apart from having a few bruises, aching shoulders and back" haku explains as the foreman and his assistant looks at me "and how about you mistress raven" the foremans assistant spoke "im not too bad apart from struggling to walk and to get around. Haku is carrying me around while I rest which I dont mind doing that" I said while haku runs one of each of his two fingers across my green dragon horns since I'm in my dragon form with a chilled smile on his face "I hope you'll be back to your normal self mistress" the foreman smiles as he bows "oh don't worry I'll be back to normal in no time" I reply "that's great. anyway have a nice day you two" haku bows as the foreman and his assistant bows in return as haku walks around the bath stalls checking up on everyone as normal "RAVEN. HAKU" haku looks to his right quickly then down at me as I was playing with his fingers by nibbling them "hey lin" I look in the corner of my eye seeing lin fangirling over my cuteness with a few female workers coming up to join in the commotion "how are you doing" lin questioned "I'm alright just in a bit of pain" I sighed as haku playfully pokes my nose with his finger trying to cheer me up.

"You'll be fine in a couple days" said lin as a few girls spoke amongst themselves nearby "That's so adorable" "he's so lucky to have her" "cutest couple ever" haku hears the female workers gossiping as he kisses my forehead making the girls squeal "Alright ladies that's enough. leave my little dope dragon alone and let haku spend time with his pretty little lady" lin shooed the female workers away causing a few of them to complain while they went back to work "they're such a pain" lin holds the bridge of her nose as she huffs "I can tell I think it's the fact I'm a lucky girl" I said while looking up at haku "you are. besides we both turn into dragons, we have the same fur colour but just different coloured manes and horns" haku explains as he gently scratches under my chin with his nails causing me to lean my head right back against his upper arm as my eyes were closed "it's just the fact your attractive but also very loyal" I pointed out as I opened my eyes seeing haku looking at me with a big smile on his face "correct and your the only one I want" haku nuzzled his chin slightly against my muzzle gently "getting spoilt rotten from haku are you raven" me and haku looked ahead seeing yubaba smiling at us "umm" I stayed quiet as I went shy by burying my head under hakus chin snuggling into the crook of his neck "still in your shyful mood. Awww" yubaba slowly walks up putting her hand on my back gently stroking my white dragon fur "yes ma'am I'm just feeling sore after the fight from the other day" I look at yubaba as she chuckles slightly "I understand and you did very well. Actually you both did. For
Defeating that orange dragon spirit, he was a nightmare to deal with. constantly causing trouble in my bathhouse turns out he was a fire dragon spirit. That explains why you and Aiden never got along haku" yubaba lays her eyes on haku causing him to give her a emotionless expression on his face like he doesn't care "but anyway I'm glad that fire dragon is gone and now he is officially banned in this bathhouse" I smiled slightly as haku kept a serious face as we are still in working duties.

Hakus pov
Ever since raven has been in pain I've been always carrying her around in my arms inside and outside the bathhouse including working hours "I'm getting a bit hungry" raven said "we'll head to the kitchen and grab a few bits hmm" I ruffled behind ravens dragon ears as she growled happily while we walked to the kitchen. We gotten a few bits of different food including sushi, spring rolls, rice balls, noodles and a few pieces of sweet foods like two small slices of sponge cake "I just want this pain to go away" raven whined in my arms as she flopped gently on my chest with her tail moving left and right slowly "I know you do. How about having a nice hot bath to ease the pain in your joints" raven started to perk up a little bit "yes please" she said whilst putting her paws on my chest as she takes a big stretch until she flinched.

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