fighting over the alpha

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Hakus pov
Seconds turn into minutes and then hours, then days, weeks, months and years "3 months. 3 whole solid months of constantly getting put up with the intimidation of your ex love. hes constantly getting into my face" I sighed whilst falling on the bed "I know, because your the master of the bathhouse hes wanting to pick a fight or something" raven says as she puts her dragon head next to my face nuzzling into me "well if he wants a fight with me I will definitely win" I said while looking at raven in the eyes "but wouldn't that be too dangerous" she said feeling worried "yeah but the thing is, I'm putting him in his place because I'm the boss of the bathhouse. I have no choice darling" I sat myself up shuffling up to the end of the bed so my back is against the wall "I'm 100% sure you'll win because I know what your like" raven pointed out as she rubs her head under my chin while purring happily "I just wanted to tell you. when I fight against Aiden, he wants to fight me in dragon form which will be very very dangerous" raven looks at me with dilated eyes as the slits in her eyes went quite narrow "I'll get involved" I look at her with a shocked expression on my face "you can't I dont want you getting hurt love" I pick her up while standing up from the bed "says the one that gets injured sometimes" raven smirks causing me to smirk "remember. male dragons fight brutally, he only wants to fight me because hes trying to win you back, but heres the thing he'll never know. Hes weak and I'm stronger than him. However because we own the bathhouse. I'm also the dominant male and it's always the dominant Male that wins the fight" I whispered causing ravens fur to go poofy as she sense something wrong "it's my ex. hes coming" ravens ears flattened right back as I turn into my dragon form keeping my paws over ravens slighly smaller form keeping her close.

Whilst we stayed still keeping quiet, I pretended to be busy by nudging ravens face as she licks under my chin so nothing will be suspicious as our door knocked "who is it" I break the silence "its lin" me and raven took a deep sigh of relief "come in" I said as lin quickly opens the door and closing it again "I heard about what's happening" lin kneels down feeling concerned "yeah it's true. but I'm not letting a weakling get to me" I said "I'm glad" said lin "I'll be joining in too" raven says as lin was shocked "wait youuuu" she said pointing at raven with her thumb "yes. don't panic I'm strong as well, plus I'm also the owner of the bathhouse as wellll haku" raven looks at me smiling "besides also the dominant female as well since haku is the dominant male" raven says "but your smaller than haku and that gingy boy is bigger than you. In fact, aiden is the same height as haku in his dragon form" lin explains "it doesn't matter he'll be mainly gunning for haku since hes a similar height but im only there for backup to help haku" raven says while she rubs her head under my neck causing me to rub my head gently against hers "true but you both need to train" lin pointed out "I don't need any training but she does" I cooed at raven by nuzzling behind her ears slightly as her fur went poofy since I sent shivers down her spine "I'll be fine. I done a lot of training when I was living on my own before I met haku" said raven as we put our foreheads together and touching each others noses while smiling happily until raven senses something "HE'S HERE" raven panics as her ears went back again showing her teeth getting ready to attack whilst keeping her eyes on the door as I just caught a scent of her ex coming.

The loud knocking broke the silence causing me to growl as I got in protective mode "stay calm just stay calm your going to be alright" I telepathically spoke to raven "I can't as soon as he comes in I'm going to scratch his eyes out" raven snarls slightly with her teeth showing as lin tries to keep her calm by gently stroking ravens fur "you better be ready haku I will get the love of my life back either you like it or not" we hear Aiden speak from the other side "you'll never get a hold of me because I'm feral like to see you try though. me and haku will beat your ass for good, since me and haku are the master and mistress of the bathhouse. Or we can easily just let no face eat you" raven threatened as she slowly walked towards the door causing me to become fully alert as my dragon senses gotten quite stronger as I can sense that he's still there "love come away from the door he is still there I can sense it" I began to panic slightly as raven crawls back over as we heard a extremely loud roar outside of the bathhouse "hes outside" I pointed out as the three of us looked out of the open door to the balcony seeing a orange dragon In the distance "hes gone" I said as another roar was heard "ALRIGHT WE HEAR YOU ORANGE. ugh idiotic ginger dragon" lin shouts and lowly speaks the last few words "we don't have much time. we need to deal with him now" I said as me and raven flew out of our room.

While we were in the air, raven stays close to me as she has lin riding on her back "AIDEN IF YOU LAY A PAW ON THAT PRETTY FEMALE DRAGON YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE" lin shouts as she gives aiden a angry look as I growled and raven snarls at him while we land on the grass "lin get up on that tree, I don't want you getting caught up in the fight" raven nudges lin as she runs towards the cherry blossom tree leaving me and raven to fight against Aiden in our dragon forms.

"Alright big man lets see what you got" raven crouches in a hunting position with her tail in the air as Aiden gets ready to pounce as I watched the two dragon spirits fighting "GO GET EM RAVEN ATTAH GIRL" Lin chants as all the workers come circling around wondering what's going on "my god its mistress raven shes fighting against that orange dragon" "isnt that the one that was caught slacking off" I hear a few workers gossiping while I concentrated on raven "she's winning" I smirked slightly as raven rips aidens fur to pieces with her claws as she sinks her teeth into his neck revealing a few bite mark's, cuts, bruises and scratches "ALRIGHT NOW ITS MY TURN" I leaped into the fight as I grabbed Aidens neck with my jaws causing him to roar in pain as raven bites aidens tail ragging it to shreds as a few chunks of fur came out leaving bald patches on his skin.

Whilst me and raven were fighting, aiden lashed raven off of him with his tail, causing raven to skid across the grass "RAVEN" Lin shouts as she climbs down the tree causing me to roar at her telling her to not move "now it's just you and me master haku" aiden growled as I snarled showing my teeth getting ready to attack as Aiden charges at me. I reared up, putting my two front paws on aidens neck as he rears up as well. we both grabbed each others necks with our teeth, I managed to push him on the ground with my force as we continued to rip each other to bits "I will never back down" aiden growls "you will never get her. I AM THE DOMINANT MALE. ITS ALWAYS THE DOMINANT ONE THAT PICKS THE FEMALE TO BECOME ITS MATE" I roared in aidens face as I shown my teeth telling him to surrender until he eventually surrenders "alright. Alright you win I'll leave you two alone" aiden gave up as I got off of him leaving a big scratch across his eye "THERE. NOW IM THE DOMINANT MALE" I growled as me and Aiden turn into our human forms "RAVEN" lin shouts as I look seeing raven laying there in the grass "oh no RAVEN" I ran towards her as I skid along the grass with my knees "is she going to be alright" lin questions feeling concerned while I put my ear above ravens dragon nose slightly just to make sure shes breathing while I felt for a pulse as I managed to find a pulse "yeah she'll be alright she was just knocked out from the fight" I sigh in relief as I carried raven in my arms heading back to the bathhouse.

A few hours passed, I stayed with raven until she wakes up "mmmm" I hear a low growl beside me as raven started to move and opens her eyes "oh darling your alright" I sighed happily whilst picking ravens head up with my hands as I put my forehead against hers as she smiles and licks my tears from my face "who won" raven squeaked as she clenched her jaw in pain "we did. We won" I said while raven wraps her tail around my leg as she snuggles under my neck "I'm so relieved" she said "same here I thought I lost you gorgeous" I snuggled next to raven as I nuzzled into her fur, gently taking in a deep breath taking in her scent and exhaling happily "anyway. Where is that idiot" raven questioned "hes gone. He is banned from the bathhouse. Hes gone for good darling" raven looked at me with tears in her eyes as my tears also came running down my cheeks "now I can fully relax and not feel hurt and intimidated" she said through sobs as lin comes in "omg your awake" lin hugs ravens neck gently as she is happy to see raven "yeah just sore though, but I'm very happy that hes gone for good" said raven "you'll heal in a few weeks" I said while ruffling ravens fur gently as she turns into her semi dragon form "I'll grab yous some food" lin leaves the room as she goes through the hallway and comes back with a few bits of different food "here you go" I gently sat raven up since shes in too much pain to move.

I happily helped her move by picking her up under her arms getting her to lean back against my chest, while I hand her a few bits of food as she happily takes it out of my hands and begins to eat "woah slow down on eating your food I know your starving but take it easy" I said shocked as lin giggles "not fun having to look after your girlfriend while shes in pain is it" lin joked "sometimes but I'm just happy that she's alive and awake" I nuzzled my cheek carefully on her neck as she kisses my cheek and I kiss her cheek "here have some tea I bet your thirsty too" I hand raven a cup of mint tea.

She happily takes it and takes a few mouthfuls gulping the warm drink down "better" she sighed happily with a full stomach "it's getting late we should head off to bed" i said "see you lovelies tomorrow" lin waves as she leaves the room "come on then beautiful, let's get some sleep its getting a bit late" I put my cup of tea down on the side of the bed as I helped raven to get comfortable as she slowly rolls on her front tucking her head under my chin snuggling into me getting comfortable and warm as she yawns at the same time. I put my arms over her back gently soothing her to sleep as she begins to doze off to sleep with me slowly drifting off to sleep.

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